This product builds upon my Extra Profile Fields Page product. This product places the Extra Profile Fields into a new tab on the user's Public Profile.
Does anyone want a future version of this to have a mini block w/ the same data?
To Install:
1) Save the attached product-extratab.xml file.
2) Navigate to AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product]
3) Browse to wherever you saved the file.
4) Import!
Version History:
1.0.0 - Initial Release
1.0.1 - Cached template
Is there any way I can alter so only admins can fill in the options, reason being is I would like to add a membership number there which can not be changed by the user
That's completely outside the scope of this mod. That has to deal with the profile fields and not this mod.
Install both your extra options and this profile tab mod. VERY AWESOME!
Now can you please post clear instruction on how to reorder the profile tabs. I want this new tab to site right next to the default About Me tab.
Now can you please post clear instruction on how to reorder the profile tabs. I want this new tab to site right next to the default About Me tab.
I can help you a bit with that. The problem with this is that the plugin uses template hooks, and to do what you want, you would need to move one of those hooks in the MEMBERINFO template.
And then move the line with "$template_hook[profile_left_last]" up till it's between "about me" and "stats". That should do what your want. (Assuming your extra tab is on the far right at the moment.)
Addition: be aware that this moves other tabs by addons which use the same hook as well. (The Blog tab for example.) Is this happens you can change the hook which extra tab uses in this plugin to "profile_left_first" and move that hook in the template instead of the hook I mentioned above.
Addition: be aware that this moves other tabs by addons which use the same hook as well. (The Blog tab for example.) Is this happens you can change the hook which extra tab uses in this plugin to "profile_left_first" and move that hook in the template instead of the hook I mentioned above.
I knew about this already. Yes I have blogs, experience, recipes, etc mods all using the damn right hook punch junk way to make a tab! So because multiple coders went the easy right hook punch way to rig their tabs we cant easily reoder tabs. What a waste of time on our end. So I will have to recode a number of mods so they use their own hook and can be reordered at anytime. Personally this is the way they should all be coded in the first place.
So now where or where do I change this to use the left hook punch code???
How do I make it so I can have it located in its own hook by altering the red code??? This needs to be standard for this mod as an update asap please! So to be clear here the real question that I need answered is how to make my own hook to call this tab to where I want it so it can be in the standard list on its own? I guess its time to learn how to make my own custom hooks....
Where did you think I started first in hunting! LOL I will quote for you word for word!
"VB can not and will not support any modification to the core code of VB go look on vborg."
There's a difference between them supporting modification of the code and asking for more hook locations / forum features. They've added many hooks and features with version changes in the past, so they're definitely open to suggestions.
I suggest you change your mod to use a more diverse way to manipulate the profile tab.
No. I will not complicate this mod to make up for a perceived limitation of the tab functionality within the profile. If someone wants to make a mod that allows admins / users to easily reorganize tabs that's fine by me, but it's well outside the scope of this mod.
Thanks for a great mod! Now we need my question answered of how to get the fields which are moved to your mods extra page searchable again??? How can I do that? When fields are moved they loose their ability to be searched. Any solutions?
I have already answered that question when you asked it in the main modification's thread. Also, if you're using vB 3.8.x, it's noted at the top of the modification for that version how to have the fields searchable.
Please keep this thread centered around comments regarding this modification. Thank you.
In my view the solution you removed could be very useful to the users of this modification. Now every user who needs something similar has to search for a solution elsewhere and find out for themselves how to implement that for this mod.
Not a helpful moderation. Luckily I still got the notification of new post email with the full solution in it.