Version: 1.0.4, by King Kovifor
Developer Last Online: Aug 2015
Category: Integration with vBulletin -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 02-08-2009
Last Update: 07-13-2009
Installs: 402
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
This modification adds basic Twitter integration to vBulletin. Once a user defines their Twitter username & password within their vB Options (User CP -> Edit Options), the Tweet This X links will appear.
It automatically adds a tweet to their account with the default text of "Check this out! " (which can be edited editing the "twitter_checkout" phrase) and uses your forum URL with either tp or tt.php as the link. These redirect to the thread / post that was tweeted.
Upload files in the /upload/ folder of the .zip into the directories as is.
<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['twitter_username']"><a href="tweet.php?do=thread&id=$threadinfo[threadid]">Tweet This Thread!</a></if>
This modification should work on vBulletin v3.5+, but was only tested on a vB 3.8 install.
Using the "tp.php" switch added in v1.0.2
With the release of v1.0.2, a switch between showpost.php?p=ID&postcount=COUNT and showthread.php?p=ID#postID has been added. Using it is simple, but requires a code edit (Note: This is a SUPPORTED code edit!). Open up tp.php and find this line:
PHP Code:
define('SHOWPOST', true);
Change that line to this:
PHP Code:
define('SHOWPOST', false);
This will automatically trigger the change any time it is loaded. This works retroactively and any links will automatically use the new settings once changed!
I tried searching but didn't find anything, but instead of storing password or prompting for a password, how do sites like Twitpic etc authenticate? They somehow pick up your authentication to twitter and they just work, I assume with something through the API.
Forgive me if this was posted already. I am interested in this but don't want to store any passwords unencrypted if possible and very little use integration.
When I click on the link in th euser options "Setup integration by clicking here."
I get the following from the twitter site:
Woah there!
This page is no longer valid. It looks like someone already used the token information you provided. Please return to the site that sent you to this page and try again … it was probably an honest mistake.
Did I miss something in the installation?
Update: Yes I did miss something in the installation.
The instructions to register an OAuth Application which appear under the Upgrading instructions also apply to new installations.
I tried searching but didn't find anything, but instead of storing password or prompting for a password, how do sites like Twitpic etc authenticate? They somehow pick up your authentication to twitter and they just work, I assume with something through the API.
Forgive me if this was posted already. I am interested in this but don't want to store any passwords unencrypted if possible and very little use integration.
Well, this doesn't prompt for a password. And twit pic, does. If you go to their site, they prompt for a username / password.
Originally Posted by johnbmtl
When I click on the link in th euser options "Setup integration by clicking here."
I get the following from the twitter site:
Woah there!
This page is no longer valid. It looks like someone already used the token information you provided. Please return to the site that sent you to this page and try again ? it was probably an honest mistake.
Did I miss something in the installation?
Update: Yes I did miss something in the installation.
The instructions to register an OAuth Application which appear under the Upgrading instructions also apply to new installations.
Everything works fine now.
Guess I missed something their. *wonders why I screwed that up*.
Originally Posted by ClipBucket
To post the title for threads to Twitter, edit tweet.php
Find the section that starts with:
I thank you for writing this, but it has the problems within itself. It doesn't do character checking. Which is what I have done extensively for the next version.
Yes, I have several shortening steps. It first checks it using a full URL, then shortens the URL, then the title. It should work rather well. I am stuck with v1.1 because I came to depend on AJAX a lot and my AJAX developer left.
Depending on AJAX for what exactly?
By character checking, I'm assuming you meant for checking the title length?
I recommend you put the code on a service like OpenSVN, Google Code or GitHub.
PM me credentials for commit access & I will assist w/ coding.
v1.1 is drastically different, and includes AJAX throughout the new features.
Originally Posted by ClipBucket
OK, well I just setup the project on Google Code.
Join Google Code & send me your username, so that I can give you ownership of the project.
Technically, since my project isn't open source, that would be copyright infringement, but, I will just politely ask you to remove it. I have the files in a SVN repository over at CodeSpaces, it is just different as my code isn't open source. If you would like to help, please PM me.