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The Gameroom - Multiplayer gaming (follow up to Casino)
Version: 1.1.1, by Andrew Green Andrew Green is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 3.8.x Rating:
Released: 07-25-2009 Last Update: 08-22-2009 Installs: 354
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

For vb 4.x: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=239817

This is a late-Beta, it has been tested fairly extensively and all the big kinks should be worked out. That said, once this hits more sites a couple other bugs are bound to work themself out. It works going back at least as far as the 3.6 branch of vBulletin, not sure about 3.5.

This is the free version of The Gameroom by http://vbgaming.org, the follow up / expansion of the Casino plugin for vBulletin. It improves the multiplayer gaming aspects by bringing in more games, and allowing users more options when starting and joining games. Included is a upgrade script for transfering your stats from the Casino to the Gameroom.

Multiplayer games are played live, with embedded chatrooms

Features include:

- Lobby
--- Chatroom for arranging games

- Solo Games
--- Blackjack
--- Let it Ride
--- Roulette
--- Video Poker
--- 3 different slot machines

- Texas Hold'em
--- Multiple tables
--- Customize blinds and rules when creating a game
--- Passwords for private games
--- vBulletin avatars in game
--- Alert sounds to notify to alert you when it is your turn

- 7-Card Stud
--- Multiple tables
--- Set Ante
--- Passwords for private games
--- vBulletin avatars in game
--- Alert sounds to notify to alert you when it is your turn

- Chess
--- Standard chess rules, with legal moves enforced.
--- Alert on Check and Checkmate
--- Tracking of the 50-move rule and Threefold repetition rule
--- Passwords for private games

- Reversi (aka Othello)
--- Legal moves enforced.
--- Passwords for private games

- Statistics
--- Redesigned offering graphs and sortable datagrids

- Betting
--- Module can be turned off if not in use
--- pool bets, where the bets are added together and dived amongst the winners

- Optional status bar
--- Choice of flash or html bar
--- Placed in main template
--- Shows current gameroom status (open multiplayer games, messages can be sent from within, # of open bets in betting module)

- Cash Bonuses for actions that benefit your site
--- Posting
--- Starting threads
--- Referalls
--- Daily sign in
--- Giving rep
--- Recieving Rep
--- Voting
--- Rating threads

August 1st - 0.9.8
- Added Settings to admin section
- Reversi board colours can now be changed
- Reset stats option
- Delete event option (event must be closed & settled first)
- Reduced cpu load of chess and reversi
- Blackjack - Added Surrender option
- poker - players with no money cannot continue
* Update -> upload & overwrite, import product file


- Added volume control
- Added "/buzz" chatroom function
- Added alert to user entering room
- Added audio alert to 'check' in chess
- Fixed bug with getting list of games when certain tabs are dissabled
- Fixed get games timer not shutting off properly when switching tabs
- Fixed decimals in poker when using different cash type
- Fixed names with certain characters messing up stats
- Fixed bug that caused "start game" box to uncheck if you entered a message
- Adjust cash can use userid / usergroupid as well as name
- Not logged in screen in language (can be translated / edited)
- The user that imports the product file is made a admin & mod, rather then using "1" as a default
- cash type to 64-bit value in flash component (for those with really high values)
- Poker time out is set up. You have 60 seconds to act, then forced fold. Warning buzzer and countdown starts at 20 seconds remaining
* Update -> upload & overwrite, import product file

August 3rd (0.9.9RC)
- Update cash in solo games and betting on enter & transfer
- Change event listener on colour selectors in settings, makes it stick properly.
- Theme colour updates on the fly when changed, so you can see what things will look like as you adjust it.
- Fixed a glitch in the board games that would bring text into the game chatroom from the Lobby chat room.
- Fixed a bug relating to the board games when other sections had been turned off
- Added payout chart to game screen for Slots, Video Poker & Let it ride
- Border changes with theme color

- Fixed up some language things
- Added a plugin to cache the html banner templates

- Bug: checkmate on promotion
- Bug: poker all in led to dropping player early
- Bug: foreign language fixes
- Bug: Double posts in chatrooms
- Bug: Update betting cash on tab click
- Bug: Poker Blinds go into pot, even if player can't make them
- Status bar colour updates with Theme
- Possible outcomes in betting up from 8 to 18

Note: There is a 2mb upload limit, so the flash banner came out of the main .zip which finally pushed itself over 2mb.


- Bug: Double entries on betting resolved
- Bug: Fixed error when two players tie with full house
- Bug: Top Poker Players stats displays properly
- Bug: User name colours in lobby now 'stick'
- Edit language is now a tree view, default phrase displays properly
- in game & add game phrases for poker are now in language
- "Players" phrase in Flash Banner reacts to changes in language
- Default Cash is now editable
- Disabled Hooks on XML calls, may improve speed slightly, decrease chances of conflict
- Can override general usertype permissions for each group of games
kjack push when both player & dealer have a blackjack
- Chatroom 'flicker' on new message
- castle through check
- Add users in gameroom count to link
- Seperated framework, Flash caches this once, and only once. Resulting in a smaller file size everytime after the first. It is cached across sites as well, so there is a good chance most people already have it
- Roulette history was showing '37' when it landed on '0'
- Chess - Optional grid labels / moves in chat box

1) Upload the framework files, they should go into the main forum folder with the .swf files folder. You will only need to do this once, which is why they are in a seperate file.
2) Upload the files in the main package, make sure everything overwrites old copies.

** Common Problems **

Non-english letters are not working properly
This is a problem with flash player and has been in there bug tracker for a long time. The workaround is to edit the "gameroom" template, remove the line that ways "wmode='transparent'", the downside it your popup menus will come up behind the flash box, rather then in front of it.
Images are working in IE, but not in Firefox
You likely have some form of image hot linking turned on, it is causing the requests for the images to be blocked.
Locked self out of admin panel
In the tools folder there is a file called 'makemeadmin.php', upload this and go to that page. It will make you admin, don't leave it on your server when you are done.
Updated and it is acting funny
Make sure all of your files are up to date. When you update ensure that all files are overwritten. Having mix matched files will cause funny behaviour. You may also have to clear your cache and reload the page after uploading a new gameroom.swf file.

** Uninstall **

If you want to uninstall the following procedure will get you through it without tossing any DB errors:

1) Dissable the product, this shuts down all the plugins. If the files are removed and plugins are still active you may see errors on your site.

2) Undo the template changes, changes where made to the navbar template and the postbit / postbit legacy template.

3) Delete all files. If the files are still present and you remove the database entries by uninstalling the product anyone that attempts to access one of them will cause a error. The Flash Banner could cause many as it could still be making calls after the template changes are undone.


4) Uninstall the product file, which removes all database entries, that means the following are removed:

tables with 'gameroom_' as a prefix
gameroom_cash field within the user table

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Old 08-12-2009, 12:48 AM
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Originally Posted by inciarco View Post
I Confirm this Bug with FireFox, I'm using the Latest Version 3.5.2).

On Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 6, it Works Fine and Displays the Images Well.

I think it should be something in the Coding that makes the Flash Player Application not to be 100% Compatible with FireFox.

I Hope it can be Fixed because Most Persons Use Firefox Today.

My Best Regards.

Permissions on the images folder and its contents, make sure they are readable. IE seems to work around it somehow, likely in the way it sends the request. But when FF sends the request it gets a 403 error, and you don;t get a image. Same thing would happen if you tried to go to the image directly.

The other possible cause is server setup. If your server has some .htaccess rules that attempt to prevent hotlinking that could also lead to this. If your permissions are correct, ask your host why those images aren't accessible and why the server is returning a 403 error.
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Old 08-12-2009, 01:22 AM
TheTradersArena TheTradersArena is offline
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Originally Posted by Andrew Green View Post
Permissions on the images folder and its contents, make sure they are readable. IE seems to work around it somehow, likely in the way it sends the request. But when FF sends the request it gets a 403 error, and you don;t get a image. Same thing would happen if you tried to go to the image directly.

The other possible cause is server setup. If your server has some .htaccess rules that attempt to prevent hotlinking that could also lead to this. If your permissions are correct, ask your host why those images aren't accessible and why the server is returning a 403 error.
I am still having trouble with images not showing in FF, even after doing a clean install of the latest update. Previously some images would show at different times, now absolutely none show. I have no .htaccess rules that prevent hotlinking that I know of, every other image on my server is accessible and shows fine on the site in FF. Even in the Casino which I have installed. Are there any known conflicts with other mods that you know of? There is absolutely no problem w/permissions that I can see. I know that it's just not me experiencing this problem as others here are experiencing it. My members who use FF are also experiencing this problem. Just to be on the safe side here are screen shots of the permissions of the gameroom & image folder and one of the image files on my server.

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Old 08-12-2009, 01:27 AM
TheTradersArena TheTradersArena is offline
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Here also is the contents of my one and only .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on
# -FrontPage-

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
order deny,allow
deny from all
AuthName mysite.com
AuthUserFile /home/mysite/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwd
AuthGroupFile /home/mysite/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://mysite/.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://mysite$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www.mysite.com/.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www.mysite.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule .*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$ - [F,NC]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mysite.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mysite.com$
RewriteRule ^vbul\/index\.php\/?(.*)$ "http\:\/\/www\.mysite\.com\/$1" [R=301,L]
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Old 08-12-2009, 01:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Andrew Green View Post
Permissions on the images folder and its contents, make sure they are readable. IE seems to work around it somehow, likely in the way it sends the request. But when FF sends the request it gets a 403 error, and you don;t get a image. Same thing would happen if you tried to go to the image directly.

The other possible cause is server setup. If your server has some .htaccess rules that attempt to prevent hotlinking that could also lead to this. If your permissions are correct, ask your host why those images aren't accessible and why the server is returning a 403 error.
Thank You For Your Reply.

The Folder is Readable (755 Permission on the Folder).

I Have Hotlinking Protection on the Server but I Authorize it for the Forum Domain, so All Images Are Displayed Without Problem in it; I don't think that's the Problem, otherwise the problem would be on Google Chrome too, but on Chrome the Mod Works Well.

What Else can be Done for it to Work on FireFox?

My Best Regards.

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Old 08-12-2009, 02:03 AM
Whatah Whatah is offline
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Originally Posted by Andrew Green View Post
Update to 1.0.1, problem was solved there.
thanks for the info, shame on me for posting a bug before upgrading to the newest version. i will upgrade tmw morning
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Old 08-12-2009, 02:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Andrew Green View Post
Permissions on the images folder and its contents, make sure they are readable. IE seems to work around it somehow, likely in the way it sends the request. But when FF sends the request it gets a 403 error, and you don;t get a image. Same thing would happen if you tried to go to the image directly.

The other possible cause is server setup. If your server has some .htaccess rules that attempt to prevent hotlinking that could also lead to this. If your permissions are correct, ask your host why those images aren't accessible and why the server is returning a 403 error.
I Confirm that the Problem of Not Display of Images is Caused by Hotlinking when the Option to "Allow Direct Calls of URLs" is Disabled.

It can be Solve simply by "Selecting/Activating" on Hotlinking the Option to "Allow Direct Requests of URLs of Files with the Web Browser".

Thank You For Your Help Andrew Green.

My Best Regards.

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Old 08-12-2009, 02:28 AM
cbehan cbehan is offline
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andrew has done a great job with this add-on...and is very responsive to both bug reports and enhancement recommendations. I can't recommend this enough.
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Old 08-12-2009, 02:49 AM
Eryeal Eryeal is offline
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Would love to see this integrated with VBExperience to use Experience points.
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Old 08-12-2009, 03:24 AM
TheTradersArena TheTradersArena is offline
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Originally Posted by inciarco View Post
I Confirm that the Problem of Not Display of Images is Caused by Hotlinking when the Option to "Allow Direct Calls of URLs" is Disabled.

It can be Solve simply by "Selecting/Activating" on Hotlinking the Option to "Allow Direct Requests of URLs of Files with the Web Browser".

Thank You For Your Help Andrew Green.

My Best Regards.

Excuse my ignorance as I'm not really a master at these things yet, but where exactly would I find what you are referring to
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Old 08-12-2009, 03:39 AM
TheTradersArena TheTradersArena is offline
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After checking my server settings more in depth, hotlinking protection was enabled by default in the CPanel Admin Panel. After disabling that, it seems that now, everything is working fine in Firefox
Thanks to Andrew for his patience and help and to inciarco for that little tip and confirmation of hotlinking standing in my way
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