Version: 0.6, by ThorstenA
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 3.8.2
Released: 07-28-2009
Last Update: 07-30-2009
Installs: 30
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
Displays forums inluding their unread threads depending on users behavior:
reading, writing, subscribing, moderating posts. The product displays an interactive tab as you see in the screenshot. The tab has different categories:
subscribed forums
moderated forums
forums where you read threads
forums where you posted
This is done in real time for each user. It also displays unread threads if there are any. You choose in admincp, where the product is shown on FORUMHOME (Startpage):
after all forums
on top after navbar
Known bugs
Originally Posted by ctrlbrk
I have a particular forum where a user can post a new thread/topic, but cannot read any other threads/posts. However, this add-on will display the thread title for those threads in the same forum --- which the user is not supposed to see.
Thanks for your feedback! Do you want to style the product itself? I am also interested how you do that. Personal Forums use YUI Tabview for display purposes. You find the information how to style the YUI Tabview here:
ive never tried styling before all other mods normally do it automatically. But i'll have to give it a try as this mod stands out like a sore thumb on my forum at the moment
ive never tried styling before all other mods normally do it automatically. But i'll have to give it a try as this mod stands out like a sore thumb on my forum at the moment
I found the styling of YUI css not that easy. I 'd like to present an "automatic styling" function.
- Would like ability to "sort" the list of unread threads by popularity (views), so if I choose only to show the top 5, it's the top 5 most viewed threads that are unread
- There is a lot of room on the right side of the table, maybe you can put more info like the original poster username and last post date plus a thread preview there? all options of course via admincp.
Would like ability to "sort" the list of unread threads by popularity (views), so if I choose only to show the top 5, it's the top 5 most viewed threads that are unread
There is a lot of room on the right side of the table, maybe you can put more info like the original poster username and last post date plus a thread preview there? all options of course via admincp.
Hey Mike! Great suggestions!
the unread threads are note unsorted but sorted by last time. I am not sure if you knew that. Would you still prefer to let them be sorted after threadview? I could also do that. It makes sense, too.
Actually I have put this product on my custom cms where it is on the left bar. I am planning to put this product later as a vb4 widget so it will be presented in a small place, too. Therefore I'd like to make the product only present the information most important: Thread title. I see that there is much room on the right that is not used. I am not sure if it brings more specific user activity when showing the user more and more information about the same thing (thread title). Thread preview is only about the first post - correct me if I am wrong - I am therefore note a big fan of its usefulness. But it's not impossible to convince me with arguments
I am curious about more suggestions. Please write me if you have more ideas! I take everything into consideration and am constantly updating this product.
I may be just being an idiot, but I don't understand what this mod does. Can somebody please give me a more in-depth description than what is in the first post?
The product displays an interactive tab as you see in the screenshot. The tab has different categories:
- subscribed forums
- moderated forums
- forums where you read threads
- forums where you posted
This is done for each user. It also displays unread threads if there are any.