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Facebook Connect - Allow your users to login with their Facebook account (for 3.8) Details »»
Facebook Connect - Allow your users to login with their Facebook account (for 3.8)
Version: 2.0.6, by sllik sllik is offline
Developer Last Online: Dec 2011 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Integration with vBulletin - Version: 3.8.x Rating:
Released: 01-24-2009 Last Update: 09-05-2009 Installs: 803
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

Staff Note: Moved to Graveyard - this will never work now that the old style facebook authentication is no longer available.

Facebook Connect
This add-on allows your guests and existing users to login with their Facebook account through Facebook Connect.

There is NO NEED to upgrade or reinstall if you already installed this mod for 3.7

Upgrade to 2.0.6 so that users with the new super long IDs will be able to login.

This mod conflicts with PhotoPost vBGallery!

Quick fix:
Disable the following PhotoPost vBGallery plugins:
  • Userinfo Merge
  • Integrate Postbit Showthread

Benefits of Facebook Connect
  • Users can simply login with their Facebook account without going through the registration process.
  • Increase user interaction and your traffic through Facebook notifications and news-feeds!
Facebook users will be able to receive Facebook notifications when:
  • There is a reply to their thread or a thread that they're subscribing to
  • They receive a new PM
News-Feed will be published on to the user's wall when the user:
  • Logs in for the first time
  • Replies to a thread
  • Creates a new thread
Fetch user data from Facebook
Fetch data like name, location, profile picture and use it on your forums! (NOTE: Some data may not be available for some users)

Automatically befriend user's friends
If any of the user's friends are also registered on the forum, they will automatically be friends!

Professional Install/Upgrade/Support Services
Want this mod professionally installed? It's guaranteed to work on your forum! Download the archive and see INSTALL.html/UPGRADE.html for more details!

Server Requirements:

If you get an error:

The Facebook Connect cross-domain receiver URL http://www.SITEURL.com/xd_receiver.h...%220.699%22%7D must have the application's callback URL http://www.SITEURL.com/forums/ as a prefix. You can configure the callback URL in the application's settings.
Means that there is something wrong with your callback URL. Your callback URL must be where xd_receiver.htm is; so when you enter [callbackurl]/xd_receiver.htm into your browser you should see a blank page (not a 404 page not found error or anything else).

If you get a continues this means there is a javascript error. Make sure you've done all the template edits correctly (especially footer & navbar). Clear your cache and reload the page.

If nothing happens when you click the Facebook Connect button make sure your callback url domain is the same as you forum domain (the one set in your forum settings) - more specifically make sure that there is a www (or isn't) in both domains.

Many more features may be implemented in the future so keep checking for updates.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 07-11-2009, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by wolfstream View Post
Remember, you pay nothing, you are guaranteed nothing for support. You pay for support, you are guaranteed it.
actually those that feel that way shouldn't release mods here. Vbulletin.org is very specific about not charging for support.

That has to be done on external sites. So if you say you support a mod here there isnt any promise of payment or nor should the dev expect it.

There are two options for releasing a mod on vbulletin.org. Supported and unsupported. Neither can be charged for under this sites terms.
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Old 07-11-2009, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by wolfstream View Post
It's NOT broken though, and it certainly IS supported.
Does the mod work? Yes
Is it supported by the author? Privately, yes. Publicly, no.
Is it supported by the commmunity? I have provided countless hours of 'free' support myself, as have others. This makes it supported
1) A few of us still have yet to have our issues that were reported answered.
2) A clean install on a clean BB on my site with PHP5 and it still doesn't work means there's an issue with this mod and some servers/settings somewhere.
3) Developer Last Online: Jun 2009 = This mod is not supported.

I really applaud you for taking over and trying to help people out with this mod when you really don't have to. And that's great, seriously.

Unfortunately, some of these questions need to be answered/corrected by the developer of this mod before it can work with some of our boards.
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Old 07-11-2009, 06:42 PM
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Originally Posted by wolfstream View Post
JUST becausse someone doesn't login here to support their mod doesn't mean they don't support it. Now I can't say for certain whether or not they support via email, but I have been told by individuals they got support from the author (as I was preparing to install it for them).

Not necessarily. VB.org is getting very bad with developers not releasing stable code, YES, but I see no issues in this thread that can not be resolved by understanding and reading requirements. The mod doesn't need support, if you follow instructions provided.

What leads to mass confusion is individuals coming in and claiming "this doesn't work" when it does, or not following instructions. IF you follow the instructions, it will work as expected

Current version can't be done. In future versions, maybe the author will allow it, BUT this will cross a very, very fine line with Facebook's privacy setup, and run the risk of getting your app and account banned. You do NOT want notifications automatically sent, otherwise, you will end up being flagged as a 'spammer', which facebook frowns upon (moreso than the other)

Will the author return to support their hack? Maybe someday. Until then, your best response is to email them, and make sure to remember what you paid for this hack (absolutely nothing). As a developer, there is nothing more annoying than someone constantly nagging and annnoying me about a free release, or demanding support for such release. Remember, you pay nothing, you are guaranteed nothing for support. You pay for support, you are guaranteed it.
Can you help me with my issue then?
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Old 07-11-2009, 07:39 PM
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everything can be solved with clarity.
If the author says to discuss things here then he should support it here. If he doesn' say people will assume its supported here. IF its on a third party site people should be made obviously aware of that. however... with this mod its not apparent where support comes from. I do agree that it works fine tho.

If the user base doesn't know how to get help then there's an issue developing that may leave the author disillusioned and the users aggravated.

miscommunication or misunderstanding because of assumed interpretations are a very bad thing from any users perspective.
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Old 07-11-2009, 09:13 PM
wolfstream wolfstream is offline
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Originally Posted by drsli View Post
I do respect for sure, that any thinkable life-event can prevent a coder from giving (public) support and I am graiteful for all efforts at this awesome place, but what is the problem to set this very mod to "unsupported"? Or to create a new category "privately supported"?
Read fully through the thread. The mod is supported. Individuals have said countless times that they received support by emailing the author. That makes this mod supported.

Now, I don't like the man not shhowing up for months either, and I absolutely agree that there needs to be some definition here, BUT the mod is supported, if not through the author, through individuals like myself who have experience with the aapp and php/sql in general.

Originally Posted by 350Chevy View Post
2) A clean install on a clean BB on my site with PHP5 and it still doesn't work means there's an issue with this mod and some servers/settings somewhere.
No, that means that there is an issue with how you're trying to setup the app, or use the app. I have installed this on a number of servers, a number of configurations, and know that it works. Never once, when using UPDATED code have I had a problem.

Originally Posted by 350Chevy;1um847075
3) Developer Last Online: Jun 2009 = This mod is not supported.
Again, no. That meaans the developer was last HERE in the last couple weekss. That also means that they HAVE logged in. If you want support, ask for it here. if it's not given here, PM or email the developer. Others have said they'll get back to you, and they WILL. Again, remember real life takes precedence over your forum, ESPECIALLY if you don't want to respect the coder at all.

Support IS given, the dev DOES login. Just because it's not as often as you'd like doesn't mean it's "unsupported"

Originally Posted by tr03bor View Post
Can you help me with my issue then?
There is a really easy and common sense solution to that:
DON'T try to import data. See, I told you it was easy. Let the user fill their own data out if they want.
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Old 07-11-2009, 10:17 PM
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let's not run the dev off with complaints. Let's just ask him to make more clear how we contact him.

Else there may not be a new product for any of us.
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Old 07-12-2009, 04:29 AM
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This mod worked great right from the start, WHEN I READ THE INSTALL DIRECTIONS AND FOLLOWED them.
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Old 07-12-2009, 04:57 AM
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Originally Posted by wolfstream View Post
No, that means that there is an issue with how you're trying to setup the app, or use the app. I have installed this on a number of servers, a number of configurations, and know that it works. Never once, when using UPDATED code have I had a problem.
Again, Wrong..

You assume I do not know what I am doing or how to code. You might want to check again and see that not only have I been registered since 2002 but I have released a few mods of my own. Lately I've just been extremely busy to contribute on my own.

Originally Posted by wolfstream
Again, no. That meaans the developer was last HERE in the last couple weekss. That also means that they HAVE logged in. If you want support, ask for it here. if it's not given here, PM or email the developer. Others have said they'll get back to you, and they WILL. Again, remember real life takes precedence over your forum, ESPECIALLY if you don't want to respect the coder at all.

Support IS given, the dev DOES login. Just because it's not as often as you'd like doesn't mean it's "unsupported"
The Dev. of this mod does NOT give support, does NOT login, and therefore this mod is NOT supported. It is as simple as that.

I have released a few old mods that I no longer support but other people reply to other posts... does that mean they're still supported? No.. So stop trying to stick up for this incompetent developer.

The developer of this mod has not fixed any of the problems that many of us have had. The developer of this mod has not logged in for over a month. That means this mod is no longer supported and as such should not be marked that it is. And again, this mod will not install correctly on my server running a full version of the latest VB with PHP5.. therefore there is a problem. Different servers act different ways. Just because it works on yours does not mean it will work on ours.
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Old 07-12-2009, 05:35 AM
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Originally Posted by 350Chevy View Post
Again, Wrong..
You assume I do not know what I am doing or how to code.
OBVIOUSLY you don't know what you're doing, or you wouldn't be having problems with the mod. and getting it working. I have set this mod up on probably 10, 15 different servers now, all with different configurations without a hitch. The one time there was a problem, the person didn't have the proper version of php installed.

If you want help, mail the developer, pay them to install it for you, the mod works, though, if you follow the instructions, as many, many individuals have said (including myself)

Originally Posted by 350Chevy View Post
The Dev. of this mod does NOT give support, does NOT login, and therefore this mod is NOT supported. It is as simple as that.

July 10th
I've emailed the developer several times. He was very prompt in responding! He helped me with all my issues!
June 26:
Just a note in case anyone was following - my $25 installation was completed yesterday and works perfectly. No complaints whatsoever.
I'd say you're wrong. The mod is supported how the dev chooses to do so. Obviously they won't support someone who can't even have a bit of respect for them and their work though. Trashing other people's work and ethics, quick way to LOSE support, especially when you pay nothing for either.

Originally Posted by 350Chevy View Post
The developer of this mod has not logged in for over a month.
Really? Care to try again?

Last Activity: 26 Jun 2009 17:27
2 weeks = a month? Really? Where?? Yeah, it's actually just OVER 2 weeks (by a day and some change). The last offline stint (before Jun 26) was for probably 2 months, so 2 weeks is nothing.

Originally Posted by 350Chevy View Post
That means this mod is no longer supported
No, it means real life takes precedence over some BS forum requests, and it also means you try to contact developer via other means. If you READ responses, you'd see that he actually responds, albeit slowly.

Originally Posted by 350Chevy View Post
And again, this mod will not install correctly on my server running a full version of the latest VB with PHP5.
Oh, the MOD will install just fine, but you have to actually follow instructions. Like I said, I've done this on so many servers now, I could do it in my sleep, from template install to the app setup and link. IF there's a problem, it's not with the app, but with your configuration, and whining about the developer not being online isn't going to solve THAT, now is it?

Is the addon supported? By me, and a few others, absolutely.
Does the developer login? Not too often, but you can get ahold of him via email and he WILL provide support.
Does the app need updating? Maybe, maybe not, but again, that doesn't stop it from being 'supported'.

I'm not going to say that there isn't a problem between your server and the mod, but that's not the, mod's problem, nor, frankly is it something the dev is responsible for fixing. You are responsible for your own server. I WILL say though, without hesitation, that this mod works on a php5/mysql5 server. Can't say for mysql4, because I don't know that I've installed it there, BUT I can say that it DOES install very well under the circumstances you're complaining about it not installing on. You just have to READ the instructions and follow them.

If all else fails, pay the author to install it, but I wouldn't let them know it's you requesting it.
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Old 07-12-2009, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by wolfstream View Post
the mod works
It doesn?t work with the wysiwyg-editor. Maybe an interaction with other addons, but this issue occurs not only on my side. And it would make no sense for me to email the dev and then post the possible conversation here (after having him asked for permission) to let the others participate.
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