What is AdiInviter Pro? :
AdiInviter Pro allows your website visitors to import their contacts from various email providers and social network websites. Your website visitors can send personalized email invitations to all their friends referring/asking them to join your website.
AdiInviter Pro v0.7 Lite Edition Features :
Automatic integration into any vBulletin style.
Fully customizable invitation template.
Import & invite contacts from Gmail and Yahoo services.
Import and invite manually entered contacts.
Import and invite contacts from manually entered contacts list.
Customizable invitation subject and email template under admin panel.
Allow/Disallow guest (not-logged in) users to use AdiInviter Pro system.
Auto formation of referral register link under invitation message.
Note : Kindly avoid premium version discussions in this topic. If you have any comment/suggestion/request about premium version of the product then kindly drop us a line at our official website. We are more than glad to answer your queries.
Oh, I missed somethings about the free version only gmail and yahoo!! lol .. I gues Silver740 is right... Octazen is Older, More Secure, More Stable, Cheaper, Integrates pretty well..
I think I will go with it
I don't mind if he makes money off of it, but don't charge almost as much as the vbulletin software and then post this on here as free advertising while watering it down to complete crap.
Been a member on here for 6 years and never seen crap watered down this bad.
Wow...the free version sucks. Thanks for the effort, but definitely not worth the download/install if you're going to water it down like a drink at a cheap club.
I will start adding features (those will be different from gold version features) to free version 1ce i'm done with this one. But yeah free version ain't gonna be as cracking as paid version, as it takes lotza efforts to implement and maintain what paid version is giving. If you still think i'm wrong then VbSeo guyes would've made their VbSeo free and many more like them.
Originally Posted by bojomojo
ok, will wait till the new version is out
Will be out today if everything goes well.
Originally Posted by bojomojo
Oh, I missed somethings about the free version only gmail and yahoo!! lol .. I gues Silver740 is right... Octazen is Older, More Secure, More Stable, Cheaper, Integrates pretty well..
I think I will go with it
Octazen used to be my favorite one too. I used to have one for myself. But it doesnt provide any of AdiInviter features except for only importing and sending invitations to all your contacts. Also it sends invitations in PM box for social network contacts where adiinviter sends it as a scrap.
Good Luck. Thanks.
I will start adding features (those will be different from gold version features) to free version 1ce i'm done with this one. But yeah free version ain't gonna be as cracking as paid version, as it takes lotza efforts to implement and maintain what paid version is giving. If you still think i'm wrong then VbSeo guyes would've made their VbSeo free and many more like them.
Hey bro, no problem. You gotta make your paper. Just this product ain't for me. Thanks for the effort.
I just downloaded it, I know it might sound bit stupid to you, but as i understand i m supposed to upload the files of the MOD to my server, what i want to know here is,
the upload folder contains "config.php" what should i do with that? Just upload that to root?
I understand octazen does that, but it has a nicer interface, and has been tested before, I dont think having only Gmail/Yahoo will make anyone use it, I know you want people to buy the paid version, but then you should have just made the demo and a paid version. But the free version is mostly useless without at least windows live.
One more thing, you should really really work on the interface, the icons are so confusing, align them together and improve the quality of the images
You should have made a promotional discount or something, because as long as its more expensive than older tested software, I doubt a lot of people will get it, as octazen wont stand around watching you add features
You made me now think again about octazen because of the features lack, but still yours is more expensive I could integrate OpenInviter tho its so much pain...
nops csv aint free. It comes with 8.0 and above versions.
Btw mail me some sample excel file with whatever information you have in it. I will try to work on that.
Man you are copying features from other softwares, thats not exactly updating, but well.. like you said.. its better than nothing
okay then. You have a point. I will buy it when its released, but hurry man
And oh, can you work alittle more on the icons display?? its so random and confusing, make it something like the ones on openinviter or octazen, open inviter doesnt work anyways and no support
If you dont have the time for that or need help, let me know!
I dont know what is taking so long it should have been released yesterday i guess..
haha.. you are rite.. just few minor things are remaining...
like auto installers and stuff...
yesterday i didn't worked on script at all... cuz i went to Transformers II movie... LOLZ!
i'll finish it tomorrow definitely.... also there is lil issue with social networks... so i also have to work on that..