Version: 1.00, by echamberlain
Developer Last Online: Mar 2017
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 08-03-2007
Last Update: 08-03-2007
Installs: 79
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Ever wanted to exclude some of your forums from the external.php output, without having to add and maintain a huge include list?
Now you can, this mod adds two attributes to the external.php query string.
excludeids is a comma delimited string of forums to exclude from the external.php output.
notitleids=1 will not list all the included forum ids in the RSS feed title.
Why was this mod created and how is it used?
We redirect all our feed requests to feedburner and use it to serve all our forum feeds. We have a feed for each of our individual forums and a general feed for the entire site. Recently we added some commercial forums and don't want to clutter the feed with the commercial content, so we needed to exclude two forums. Our forum feed string now looks like:
Then code in plugin have no effect. Honestly - it have no effect at all. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Plugin is set like it is described in some post earlier. I put my ids of forums. And still empty link shows everything.
I need to find a way to change default behaviour, bacauose I already propagated by RSS link to some sites - and I even don't remember where. So right now those pages are just spammed by welcome messages in my forum, and real content is not visible :/
Be aware that now it will not react on excludeids and notitleids from link if you set it in plugin, but I don't need it. If somebody does - You know right now where make changes.
why the hell have ppl rated this mod up? did they not check their rss feed? it doesn't work and this mod is so temperamental. Maybe it is just my v3.8.2 but after examining the code, I can't see how this thing works.
why the hell have ppl rated this mod up? did they not check their rss feed? it doesn't work and this mod is so temperamental. Maybe it is just my v3.8.2 but after examining the code, I can't see how this thing works.
I had it working, but after update to v3.8.2 it doesn't work anymore :/
I mean it doesn't work with params written in plugin. But with teaken from url it works. Unfortunatelly I want to dissable by default some forums...
Ok I have solution - forget about previous changes I wrote about. Starting from original version - find plugin Exclude Forum From external.php and under
Of course change ids and other options if you want. In this way if excludes ate in url then those will be used and only those. If not then default excludes will be applied. Of course if it is used forumids then excludes are ignored (last block of code in mentioned plugin). For me it is great