This modification is based on the Video-Directory modification by Survivor and
His mod is NOT dead, its still alive and kicking; but he has informed me that he just doesn't have the time to maintain it and give support. So until he is able to work on it agian; I've been doing a series of updates.
What is this mod?
This mod adds a fully featured and fully integrated video directory archive to your forums. Users can add their favorite videos from their favorite video service to the directory. I only support a few select hosters; but the hoster scripting is XML base, so any user can create their own scripts for any number of hosting services. The old MyVideo and Sevenload scripts from Survivor's version will still work, but they wont pull in Keyword/Tagging information, nor the video length time codes.
Basic Feature Listing:
Fully integrated into the vBulletin user database and product manager.
Fully phrased and built on templates for easy reskinning and styling.
Fully administratable and a myriad of settings for personalization.
Complete customization of permissions based on usergroups.
Landing page for broad information and fully featured tag cloud.
Upload all files in the "upload" directory to your forum root.
CHMOD /videothumbnails/* and /includes/videoserviceapi to 777.
Import the product "product-videodirectory.xml" in your Product Manager.
Follow the on screen instructions to configure your video hoster settings.
Refresh your administration control panel to see the new navigation links.
vBulletin 3.7.0 instituted a new avatar-thumbnail system. There is a high probability that you are unaware of this new system and may have failed to setup your vBulletin to make use of it. Make sure that a directory called /thumbs is located in your avatar directory and CHMOD it to 777. Then go into Maintenance > Update Counters and run the Rebuild Custom Avatar Thumbnails process.
Upgrade Procedure:
Upload all files in the "upload" directory to your forum root.
Take note of the information stored in Limits of Videos > General Settings.
Import the product "product-videodirectory.xml" in your Product Manager.
Re-establish your previous Limits settings in Videos > General Settings.
Re-import ALL of your hosters and settings in Videos > Manage hosters.
You MUST remember to re-import your hosters after upgrading.
You may lose your category dataman when you upgrade. If no categories are listed after an upgrade, you will be required to rebuild your category dataman. Its very easy to rebuild it if you need to. Simply go into Videos > Manage categories, select ANY category and hit [Edit], then click [Save]. Your category dataman will automatically be rebuilt.
Roadmap for the Future:
Don't forget to click INSTALL!
If you want to donate, I'm all for it... as I'm an unemployed computer programmer...
Has anybody tried using THIS version of Video-Directory on a 3.7 site? It seems like this version is the one that's being more actively supported/developed. I like the product, but I have a 3.7 site. Does anybody know if this will work on a 3.7 site? (or, the 3.7 version of Video-Directory still viable?)
I just installed Video Directory for the first time. Everything seemed to go well. One of Jaxel's last comments is to rember to "set the rights to the usergroups' otherwise it won't work. I assume he means to just set the correct permissions for various usergroups, right? Well, the only one I really care about is Registered Users, and all of the settings seemed to be appropriate for Registered Users. I am attaching a screen-shot of the permissions.
What stupid thing am I overlooking? I can't get to the Video Directory. It says I don't have sufficient privilleges. I know I'm doing something stupid. What is it?
Try go in to admin then look for Video Directory then expand the menu and then click on General settings to check its all turned on hope that helps
Fragg (or anyone else),
I'm still having trouble. In the General Settings, there are lots of different settings (obviously) but I don't see any master getting for on/off or for usergroup permissions. When I go into the actual main admin section for Usergroup Permissions, they seem to be set appropriately. It says that registered users can veiw videos, etc. But I still just hit that wall/error message that say "Farfegnubbin: you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to...etc."
Does anybody know what Jaxel meant by "making sure the rights are set to the usergroups"?
I just solved it, and, as I thought, it was something incredibly stupid. Jaxel implied to check the "rights" of the usergroup, so I went to Usergroup--Forum Permissions. That's not what he was talking about. In the Usergroups--Usergroup Manager, you can pick a certain usergroup and then scroll WAY down to the bottom, at which point there are radio buttons to allow various stuff. You have to then repeat that for any/all user groups.
I installed Video Directory today on a 3.7.6 site. The Installation went very well, and I love the mod. I'll spread the word. This is an excellent product.
Quick question: how can you change the size of the thumbnails for the videos? I thought there would be a setting in one of the Video Directory cpanels itself, but I don't see it. How can I make the thumbs a little bigger? Edit templates? Change settings? Anybody know?