Originally Posted by Paul M
Nope, so far no one has had time to look - its been this way for a number of years so there is no hurry. 
May I reiterate that the only change you need to make is add the following code to any plugin on
PHP Code:
$this->unparsed_tags[] = 'sql';
This tells vBulletin that the [SQL] bbcode should be displayed in the WYSIWYG editor as [SQL]Raw SQL text[/SQL] instead of sending the actual formatted display text to the WYSIWYG editor.
For example, the [B] bbcode is parsed; it displays as
bold instead of [B]bold[/B] in the WYSIWYG editor. On the other hand, the [QUOTE] bbcode is unparsed; it displays as [QUOTE]some quote[/QUOTE] in the WYSIWYG editor, and not as the formatted display HTML for the quote.