It is in the user's profile. You've listed that you are using 3.6.11. However, you are assuming the user actually keeps that field accurate. I know when I upgraded to 3.8, I forgot to change that field for a few months.
LOL... ohh yeah, updating now & thanks for the "reminder"
The version in the postbit in the mods forums is the version of the modification you last downloaded, not the version of vbulletin you put in your profile.
No it isnt, in the mods forums you have vB Version and Version (which is the mod version).
Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
The profile field should be a dropdown with a range of values... 3.5.X, 3.6.X, 3.8.X, 4.0.X, etc...
Yes, I tend to agree, its simply always been a text field, and no one has ever suggested otherwise (until now). Not sure off the top of my head how easy it would be to change it now (or even if its worth it).
No it isnt, in the mods forums you have vB Version and Version (which is the mod version).
Yes, I tend to agree, its simply always been a text field, and no one has ever suggested otherwise (until now). Not sure off the top of my head how easy it would be to change it now (or even if its worth it).
I don't see anyone in this thread with their vBulletin version in their postbit
I don't see anyone in this thread with their vBulletin version in their postbit
The confusion here would seem to be because of a difference between the postbit and postbit legacy templates - apparently its only in the legacy version now, I wasnt aware it had been removed from the other template.
TBH, at this moment, the only logical reason I can think of offhand to use it is for modification purposes (to keep from having to ask the user which version of vbulletin they are using) and even that is prone to error due to not updating or an incorrect setting.