Originally Posted by acs1122
I created a banner for my site and would like to add it to my forum. I don't know where to go or what to do. In other words does this need to be done through AdminCP or server-side  . If someone could explain in as simple terms as possible I'd be grateful as I don't understand half the stuff discussed here. Thanks in advance.
Just upload your image somewhere via FTP. Like /forums/images/banner.gif. Then go into the skin you are using and select "All Style Options." (AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager) Then scroll until you see something like:
Title Image
This is the image located in the 'header' template, used as the main logo for your forum.
Just enter the URL for your banner there. Something like: images/banner.gif if you saved it like above. I edit my header templates, but that is more complicated.