Version: 1.3.0, by Jaxel
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 04-21-2009
Last Update: 04-28-2009
Installs: 211
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This Conquest System is very similar to the vBarmy system, except it has a few specific fundamental changes. Instead of every player working alone to fight other players, players work together as a single nation to fight other players who are members of different nations. Everything else in the system is pretty much self-explanitory.
can i replace the soul calibur characters with mine?
Yes, you can rename them, add a new image by uploading your own image VIA "Admin Nations"
where it says "Upload New Nation Standard" all that means in lamans terms, "Upload New Image", so just direct to the new image on your computer, upload and refresh the page. the image is yours!
Installed on my 3.7 test board... and LOVE IT so far. Got a handful of users testing it out to get some input on it.
One thing I did notice... you spelled "receive" wrong in the default faction descriptions. Not a big deal, but being a grammar policeman I felt I had to point that out.
Question: Is there a minimum amount of factions the system requires?
Suggestion: Make the "How to Play" mandatory to read before the rest of the system is active. That way they don't jump right in and become confused.
Another Suggestion: Add a "how to get started" section to the "how to play" page.
Im not sure what is going on, I was attacked several times last night, then waking up and I had 42949667295 Gold. So I had to go into SQL and fix this. Then 2 hrs later the second player had the exact same amount of gold. Any one else had these issues?
Also when 5 or 6 armys gang up on an army they can kill it completly, right to 0 and then that player cannot play anymore or has to wait for some cash so they can recruit. All they do is work there way down there members so they all go above the 25% that I allowd. That can suck for the odd guy.
Oh, on my board there are 60 users, We have 10000 + Troops with 600000 defence on average.
Installed on my 3.7 test board... and LOVE IT so far. Got a handful of users testing it out to get some input on it.
One thing I did notice... you spelled "receive" wrong in the default faction descriptions. Not a big deal, but being a grammar policeman I felt I had to point that out.
Question: Is there a minimum amount of factions the system requires?
Suggestion: Make the "How to Play" mandatory to read before the rest of the system is active. That way they don't jump right in and become confused.
Another Suggestion: Add a "how to get started" section to the "how to play" page.
Minimum factions - 2
and as for a maximum, i have gotten up to 10 to work fine
I have to agree with you on the make the how to play mandatory... Also an admin control panel would be nice too
Just installed the mod on my forum and the people love it
I love it too!
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but are there any plans on adding like a bribe feature.
Like player xx bribes player yy with xx amount of gold in order for him to join his nation or something like that :P
I just noticed when I view someone's village, it says their attacks and defends history... It says their name under enemy... shouldn't it be the person they attacked or defended against?