I have never done any work installing or working with VB skins, all my work is done within the admincp.
Excuse my "noob" questions, but i'd really appreciate the help!
I just installed this skin using the xml file, and its working fine. I've been looking around the server to try and find the folder which contains its resources (to modify and add images and such) and I can't find it. Could you guys tell me where is the skin installed and what is the folder called?
Also, in which templates are the parameters for the colour and general look and settings of the skin stored?
I would like to know from you Turboguy how do I change that orange color you've got at the bottom of the forum? I'm thinking it's a background color because when I refresh the header is showing that same color before it gets to the green color it's supposed to have.
That's a attribute in one of the css sections. I don't remember exactly where, but you want to find the HTML color code for that orange. Unfortunately, I don't know the specific color code off the top of my head to search for to replace.
Originally Posted by paulf10
I have never done any work installing or working with VB skins, all my work is done within the admincp.
Excuse my "noob" questions, but i'd really appreciate the help!
I just installed this skin using the xml file, and its working fine. I've been looking around the server to try and find the folder which contains its resources (to modify and add images and such) and I can't find it. Could you guys tell me where is the skin installed and what is the folder called?
Also, in which templates are the parameters for the colour and general look and settings of the skin stored?
Thanks very much in advance!
This skin doesn't install into a 'folder' per se. It becomes another style. To change most of the items, you'll need to go the edit template portion of the AdminCP and edit the templates for this style.
Ok, after diffing my version w/ the original, it looks like it's color #FF6600 you need to search for in the XML. Or you should be able to go into the 'Main CSS' editor option for the style, scroll to the bottom, and they are defined in the 'Additional CSS Definitions' area. You're looking for the '.mobiletitle', and '.mobiletitlebottom' sections. You should see the color definition there. Change that to be what you want. The other place that color is defined is in the 'Buttons' section of the CSS style, you'll probably want to change it there as well. Hope that helps.
This skin doesn't install into a 'folder' per se. It becomes another style. To change most of the items, you'll need to go the edit template portion of the AdminCP and edit the templates for this style.
-i can't figure out how to change the background colour of the area pictured above. I haven't found it in the same spot where i changed the font colour and such.
i got a quick question is there a way to make it automatically switch to this skin without having to select it when someone logs on from a mobile or an iphone
i got a quick question is there a way to make it automatically switch to this skin without having to select it when someone logs on from a mobile or an iphone
Assuming the iPhone supports JavaScript redirects (hopefully it does but I dont have one to test), this should help
Edit the template of your normal navbar template with the following (if you already have his detector javascript in there, remove it).