Version: 2.00, by jesus likes pie
Developer Last Online: Jul 2013
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 03-10-2009
Last Update: 04-08-2009
Installs: 209
Uses Plugins
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
Banned Members Filter by Rafael Lopez
03/10/2009 (m/d/y)
This mod will try and block banned members from evading their ban through making a new account.'
::: CHANGE LOG :::
v1.0 - original release v2.0 - First update (released: 04/08/09 (m/d/y))
--Mod now sets cookies on login which are not destroyed on logouts. These cookies can be used to help catch evaders
--Mod now supports notification through:
----New threads
----Private Messages
--You may choose whether you want users to be moderated or auto-banned depending on how they are detected.
Here's how it works:
Upon registration, vBulletin will search for all the users who have used the IP that the current person registering is currently using.
It will then check if any of those users are in the BANNED usergroup.
If there are no user matches, or if no user matches are in the banned group then the plugin will continue to check for set cookies which belong to banned users.
If IPs match, then it either auto-bans the account or it moderates it. This is set through vBulletin Options. If IPs are set to
moderate and not auto-ban then the plugin will check for cookies as well - if it finds a cookie belonging to a banned user and you have it set to auto-ban on cookies
then it will AUTO-BAN the new account even though it had found an IP which is set to moderate. Higher punishment "wins".
This has the POTENTIAL to slow down registration dramatically on forums with a LOT of posts. For reference, it does not add any noticable time for my forum which has about half a million posts. So you should probably be okay.
::: Installation :::
Extract product-moderate_user_if_banned.xml
Upload product-moderate_user_if_banned.xml by going to ADMIN CP --> PLUGINS AND PRODUCTS --> MANAGE PRODUCTS --> ADD/IMPORT PRODUCT
If you are upgrading then you should set "over-write" to yes.
And you're done!
If you liked this mod you might also like my others:
When some ban evading user is detected, it will be nice if new reply into selected thread (threadID set in adminCP) will be posted. Creating new thread always if someone is detected is good, but this will be better (for me ).
When ban evade is detected, we have only 2 choices. Permament ban OR move to moderated group. Can you add a third option - "Only send PM" or something like that? So if user is foud based on IPmatch / cookies, let him register normal way and only send the PM to defined user(s).
Thanks a LOT
Sorry for my english. I hope you understodt what i mean.
Okay, I see what you mean. Sounds good for a later release!