Version: 1.3.0, by Jaxel
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 04-21-2009
Last Update: 04-28-2009
Installs: 211
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This Conquest System is very similar to the vBarmy system, except it has a few specific fundamental changes. Instead of every player working alone to fight other players, players work together as a single nation to fight other players who are members of different nations. Everything else in the system is pretty much self-explanitory.
Is it normal for the Invest work force to recuit troops function to get bigger as you get more available troops, I started getting 2 troops and now that Im at 2000 troops Im getting 20 per time?
The larger your workforce the more members you get. Same goes for your gold. I use to only get 30 or so gold but now i am up to 193 per turn.
So long story short, yes.
What I plan on doing is completely converting the mod to this "Faction" system. Instead of nations, it will be races/characters; and anyone can be any race/character and change it once a week. Then people will be able to join a faction, and factions will be player made. There can be as many factions as people want; however there will be a limit to how big a faction can be (default will be 10 villages). So since no faction will be larger than 10 villages, no one will have an unfair advantage.
Factions will also share intelligence freely.
ehhh... This is the EXACT reason why my members quit the old army system. They hate the fact that everyone can attack everyone (unless in that clan/village).
Is their anyway this can be an option instead? I personally love the way the nations are set up & would love nothing more than to see it expanded upon.
What I plan on doing is completely converting the mod to this "Faction" system. Instead of nations, it will be races/characters; and anyone can be any race/character and change it once a week. Then people will be able to join a faction, and factions will be player made. There can be as many factions as people want; however there will be a limit to how big a faction can be (default will be 10 villages). So since no faction will be larger than 10 villages, no one will have an unfair advantage.
What I plan on doing is completely converting the mod to this "Faction" system. Instead of nations, it will be races/characters; and anyone can be any race/character and change it once a week. Then people will be able to join a faction, and factions will be player made. There can be as many factions as people want; however there will be a limit to how big a faction can be (default will be 10 villages). So since no faction will be larger than 10 villages, no one will have an unfair advantage.
Factions will also share intelligence freely.
You can change races? Then if your in a race and discuss information in the discussion forum, then leave that race and go to another you can give that information away. We discuss privilaged information in there that is amongst that race only. And will this affect the current game? I have about 50 players currently and so far there pretty even and that is not planned at all. If a group is to full it shoud steer you to another that needs more players.
I have a question on the Attack Cap, I have people that cannot attack and there close to each other. It says "Attacks will be cancelled if this defender is this percent smaller" I set mine on 70 and no one could attack and people were complaining that they lost spies to go spy and then they couldn't attack. Should it be at 30. What are people setting them at.
You can change races? Then if your in a race and discuss information in the discussion forum, then leave that race and go to another you can give that information away. We discuss privilaged information in there that is amongst that race only. And will this affect the current game? I have about 50 players currently and so far there pretty even and that is not planned at all. If a group is to full it shoud steer you to another that needs more players.
Ok this is to bother Jaxel who has been working on this (top man) and some you guys.
First Jaxel, is there a way i can admin players...aka if a player joins...then decides he wants to not play becuase of a reason, can i remove him from the game, or at least disable that player so he don't keep getting attacked/getting a ton of pms he does not want?
Secondly a scoring this is to everyone here.
Im gonna run my game on a month to month basis...possibly 2 months..we shall see. But at the end of it i want to declare a winner of sorts. Some sort of top player and top faction.
So how is that decided....most money, biggest army..or a combination (aka everything has a value and the admins of the games can see which player and which faction of combined players has the highest worth).
Basically has anyone got any ideas, and Jaxel if i do a donation would you consider adding that in?