Version: 1.00, by Lethal Geass
Developer Last Online: Feb 2018
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.8.1
Released: 03-20-2009
Last Update: 04-12-2009
Installs: 166
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Please post any bugs you encounter. We will be making an updated version with a lot more features. Feel free to post any suggestions & comments.
Updates Since 3.7 version
Added admin panel to edit settings. See image attachments.
Race bonuses actually do something now.
Can reset entire game
Can delete user so they can start again.
About the Game
vBArmy is a game for vBulletin.
Each member begins their adventure by choosing a Race which had certain advantages over other races. They begin with a few soldiers and a bit of gold, and must build their army by fighting other players.
Players can buy weapons for their soldiers to increase their attack strength, and buy armor to increase their soldier's defense strength. However, each soldier can only use one weapon and one item of armor. Players can also upgrade their Defense and Offense to increase their defensive and offensive strengths by a percentage.
Players can browse through a list of participating players. They can conduct intelligence operations by sending Spies, which cost a set amount of gold to purchase. The more spies you send, the more accurate the intelligence you gather will be. Gathered intelligence gives you an estimate of the players total gold, offensive power, and defensive power.
If you choose to attack a player you must use "Turns." You only get a certain amount of turns every cycle set by the admin. The more turns you use, the more gold you will steal from your opponent. Be warned though, your opponent will know that you attacked them by viewing their Defense Log and being notified by pm.
Naturally it is important to grow your army. The only way to get soldiers in the game is to have your friends click your "Recruitment Link" They can only click it once every (admin set minutes), and each time they do you will receive an (admin set amount) of soldiers.
Please click Install, there will be a status notification upon the release of major updates.
I just install this game , looks good but really dont know what to do.
Ok one member just got 2 Recruitments , but still he/she has 0 gold .
And how we can change the default gold setting , means starting gold .
these are the probs am getting.
I've already answered that part in my above replies:
you can gain the starting gold once you set up the settings located at yoursiteforumlink/armysystem_admin.php?do=editgamesettings <-, once you save these settings, regardless if already filled in for you, it'll have effect.
Currently, you start with 0 gold, 0 army, and the list goes on. Just go to that page, scroll down and click on "save" for the default settings to take effect (you don't have to edit anything if you wish to leave it with the games default settings). Then Reset everything and choose your class and you'll see you get the default gold, army, etc.
Wow... this is very nice... got it working great...
Just... the templates... my god... FUGLY, and so many uncached templates... This makes me worry. If a mod looks as unprofessional as this in presentation, it makes we wonder about the quality of the code behind the scenes. Any security risks I should be aware of?
nice to know an update is out for this. I suppose my number 1 request would be to have the code 100% optimized, secured etc. and then I would love to see the new features after that.
Hi its looks a nice mod when type in froum/armysystem.php loads great and when i click on armyadmin works good to but my prob is when i clik on Edit Game Settings i have a
Warning: require_once(./armysystem_admin/editgamesettings.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/armysystem_admin.php on line 83
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './armysystem_admin/editgamesettings.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/fraggbak/public_html/forum/armysystem_admin.php on line 83