The support forums & data from have been merged into the site.
================================= v3 Arcade for vBulletin
*** IMPORTANT *** Version 2.0.0 has introduced a number of changes to the various file names, phrases, templates, etcetera. If you are using any 3rd party hacks/add-ons then they may need to be updated. Feel free to check over at with any questions you might have before upgrading.
"v3 Arcade" is the premiere arcade system written specifically for vBulletin. It's coded from scratch - not a port of an older version - and because it was coded specifically for vBulletin it uses the product system for code modifications & utilizes AJAX technology throughout. Here's a brief rundown of the features in this version of v3 Arcade.
Download THOUSANDS of *legal* free and premium games directly from Mochi Media to your v3 Arcade installation. Earn money from people playing games on your site! With just a few mouse clicks you download games directly from within your ACP or from the Mochi Media web site. You have to check it out it to see just how easy it is.
Tournaments! Challenge your friends to see who the champ is!
Integrated arcade statistics on your user's profile pages!
AJAX based instant ratings, for simple to use game ratings.
AJAX based inline score moderation.
AJAX based instant game searching.
Tabbed, customizable categories.
Challenge system for one-on-one contests.
User-permission based settings for email/PM notification, challenge settings.
Streamlined viewing modes for users with lower resolutions.
AJAX based quick stats, for viewing statistics by passing the cursor over a username.Mass import tools for importing games in bulk.
Reverse and decimal based scoring.
Arcade-only closure with customizable message.
Per game criteria, allows you to control access to games by reputation, posts, registration length.
Postbit based awards.
Personalized recommendations for other games users might like, based on what they?re playing.
Quick stats, letting a user know how many other scores are above and below theirs.
Score ranking.
Admin customizable ?score feedback?, displays a message based on how well as user has done.
Numerous Admin CP settings to control things like popup opacity, maximum comment length, hover delay length, and numerous other behaviors.
Full admin control over the types of content allowed in comments (BB code, HTML, smilies, etc.)
Usergroup based access permissions.
Fully phrased, for each translation into other languages.
An ever growing collection of third party add-ons
A slick, professional layout.
Edit-free template updates!
User ability to specify viewing resolution while playing games.
All v3 Arcade installations carry and require a small "v3 Arcade" logo in the footer, as well as the text "Powered by v3 Arcade" which links to For information on legally removing the branding, please visit
If you're looking for more games, add-ons, support, tutorials, or anything Arcade related - is the place to go.
================================= Copyright =================================
All code & images distributed in this zip is Copyright ?2009 CinVin, with the following exceptions:
class_tar.php - Credits within.
All games & associated images, unless otherwise noted.
================================= Change Log
For the complete change log, please click here. The change log is getting too big to include inline with this thread.
Question: If I made edits to the Arcade Templates (e.g. adding game name to HTML title), will this update overwrite them?
Originally Posted by KW802
Whoops.... I understand what you mean now. I thought you meant in general 'whats new' and not 'why is the mod flagged as updated' in the settings.
1.0.8 is the current version; the 'updated' status was triggered because I added Allan's French translation as a file attachment.
This last "update" was just him adding a french translation, I don't believe anything else was changed.
I'm hoping some of the additional mods people had out for this before are update or come back. I might download some of them from the v3arcade forums and see how they work, though they're from a couple years ago, has anyone tried them yet?
While I can live with the layout you have, is the code and layout separated enough for non-programmers to modify the layout without breaking the code?
All of the HTML is contained within the templates (in the vBulletin style manager) so if you're familiar with working with vB templates, you should be able to modify most of the output as needed/wanted.
Originally Posted by Tomale
Question: If I made edits to the Arcade Templates (e.g. adding game name to HTML title), will this update overwrite them?
Version 1.0.8 eliminated some hard code phrases in the main page template but nothing that would affect your edits. Normally your custom templates would not be affected anyway since importing the product's XML file puts the templates into the normally hidden vB Master Style. Unless you're modifying the templates there, you should be safe.
Can the file be named something other than arcade.php or live outside the forum folder?
I currently have the other system installed, and want to try out yours while my users continue to play in the other one.
There are some conflicts with having both installed in the same vB installation. Here is a post from Stannger mentioning what he needed to do to get both running on the same site. For now, it'd be best likely to just try v3A on a test install.
Originally Posted by y2krazy
Is the website down? I get this message when I visit the site:
That is the old message from when was hosted on the older server. The site was moved to a new server a few weeks ago and is alive & well. Likely your machine or ISP's DNS settings have not been updated. If you're on a Windows PC, try closing all of your browsers then issuing the command "ipconfig /flushdns" from a DOS prompt to see if that does it for you.
Originally Posted by encryption
When I click on "Settings" under V3 arcade in the Admin Panel, I get a blank page. Anyone else getting this?
Also, all my games are appearing as white boxes.
First one I've seen reported doing that. Try re-importing the product-v3arcade.xml file.
First one I've seen reported doing that. Try re-importing the product-v3arcade.xml file.
I've done it twice now....... while I got the white page for games error sorted, I still cant see anything when I click "Settings" under V3 Arcade.... just a blank page.