Version: 1.0.4, by tehtide
Developer Last Online: May 2010
Category: Integration with vBulletin -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 02-10-2009
Last Update: 02-16-2009
Installs: 42
Uses Plugins
Re-useable Code Additional Files
No support by the author.
This product provides a block that goes onto the member page and displays images from Photopost Pro 6.X Gallery.
Using the options you can place the block at any of the 6 standard template hook locations in the MEMBERINFO template.
This mod has been tested with Photopost Pro 6.2, but it should work just fine with Photopost Pro 6.X and above... and maybe version 5.
This mod has been tested with vBulletin version 3.8 and should work with version 3.7 and up.
Version 1.0.1 - Initial release
Version 1.0.2 - Minor bug fixes, added debug mode.
Version 1.0.3 - Fixed dumb coder (me) issues...
Version 1.0.4 - Updated database code
Debug mode is available in the .php file. Instruction on how to use it are included in the readme file. This data will be useful to try and detect where any issues are.
Thanks goes to Tauhid and his patience in allowing me to debug this thing on his site...
As for suggestions, I've got mine set to show 15 images to fill the block up real nice. But I've got almost 1/2 an image width of space between the rows (5 per row). Too much, IMO. Would be nice to remove some of that wasted space if possible. Also, those 15 images are left aligned. Can they be centered in the block?
What's the protype=1; for exactly at the end of URL?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare pp_is_image() (previously declared in /home/*****/public_html/forum/tlb/pp_memberblock/plugins/pp_memberblock.php:59) in /home/*****/public_html/forum/member.php(512) : eval()'d code on line 55
As for suggestions, I've got mine set to show 15 images to fill the block up real nice. But I've got almost 1/2 an image width of space between the rows (5 per row). Too much, IMO. Would be nice to remove some of that wasted space if possible. Also, those 15 images are left aligned. Can they be centered in the block?
What's the protype=1; for exactly at the end of URL?
wow, how can this be done, the one you showed in your attachment. random photos showing up in the tabs....that would be lovely if that could be done.
The fix is that pp_isimage is delcared in another plugin or product.... PM me and let's see if we can fix it temporarily. I'm renaming my stuff to make it compliant and remove these issues with the next release.
As for suggestions, I've got mine set to show 15 images to fill the block up real nice. But I've got almost 1/2 an image width of space between the rows (5 per row). Too much, IMO. Would be nice to remove some of that wasted space if possible. Also, those 15 images are left aligned. Can they be centered in the block?
What's the protype=1; for exactly at the end of URL?
That is something that came from photopost itself... if you look in photopost you'll see that on the end of many of the links.
As for centering it... I'm fighting that myself. I'm not the best HTML coder... but I'm getting there.
On the next release I hope to have the visual stuff cleaned up and more presentable.
If you are in your pp gallery and click the "My Photos" link in pp toolbar, it takes you to this page instead.
Which to me is a lot nicer looking presentation page. (at least it is on mine)
Just a thought.
Yeah... I thought about that but that only shows the pictures that are in that category (500). And if you have multiple pictures in multiple categories then it doesn't quite work out... As for my other mod that is a typo on my end... I didn't mean for it to go there.
Maybe what I need to do is add an option to give you a choice what link you want... to the member profile in photopost or to category 500...
The fix is that pp_isimage is delcared in another plugin or product.... PM me and let's see if we can fix it temporarily. I'm renaming my stuff to make it compliant and remove these issues with the next release.
It worked after disabling (unchecking the active box) this old product from the Plug In Manager: PhotoPost Gallery Photos in profile, on this hook: member_complete.
I guess I wasn't using it anyway. Got that info from Reef... Thanks Reef.
I also want to get rid of that huge extra space between each row of photos (ASAP!).
And I'd like the ability to show either both or whichever link on "Visiting X's Gallery." I think both versions have their place.
Also, I need to be able to change the "Latest Photos" to something else, like "Latest Gallery Photos" to help us distinguish between the member albums on our site.