Version: 2.3.2, by dxlwebs
Developer Last Online: Dec 2012
Category: Board Optimization -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 01-21-2009
Last Update: 04-04-2009
Installs: 209
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Code Changes Additional Files
No support by the author.
Zoints SEO 2.3.2!
First i would like to say sorry that its taken so long to get a new version out work has been hectick
now to the update!
mainly this update is only a faster version i have cleaned the coding a bit and made a few changes here and there for better performance.
i know there is still a few bugs in the system and i will now start on a complete rewrite of a seo system as zoints is reaching its limits with the fixes you can add in so this will be my last zoints update, the next release will be a new and more complete system!
it is recommended to update just for easier life and i would recomend using mod-rewrite as its the most stable area of the zoints SEO
I hope you look forward to my next Full Release and not just an update!
this version contains Most of the updates and bug fixes from this thread also others from the zoints forum as well! it contains 1 core file from the tags file please note you MUST read the read me file before you upload anything!
this is a pretty straight forward install it will edit all the templates automatically even on a custom template (tested my self) and even if not you have the files needed to make the changes!
********Please do not use this modification unless you are VERY well educated on SEO and forum modification********
Zoints is a company that believes that forums are the killer application of the internet. We want to empower forum owners to take their community to the next level. Therefore, Zoints has been developing an extremely powerful vBulletin forum SEO and revenue enhancing solution for more than two years now. However, because we are focusing on our Forum Network and Thread Tagging System, we have decided to release this SEO solution to the vBulletin community under the lgpl license. Zoints SEO is now open source and NOT supported by us. We hope that the vBulletin dev community comes together to take this already powerful solution and make it even better. Empower yourselves
Zoints SEO can be discussed here or (again, we will not be providing official support).
Known bugs
1. If a user disables cookies, infinite redirect loop.
2. index2, index3 pagination breaks some things. Standard p2, p3 works fine. (should be fixed now)
i use most of them and a hell of a lot more mods on my site and run this with no problem i think your be fine BUT if any problems are found please do let me know!
the next update should be within the next week depending on what time i get
if any one has mods or created mods and have a solution for intergrating them but need it done through zoints and not through their mod let me know and ill add it in! there is a lot of code to go through and a lot of mods to add so if others have solutions please do tell me!
this is still a community run mod everyones input is great!
With the option:
- use Zoints Seo Archive
- use Archive as Sitemap
all in OFF
my original archive of vbulletin show only the categories and the forums but not the thread if i enter in a forum ...
When I installed this mod my website crashed, and I have several errors
take a look at it : (ITs my test forum)
Idont know what to do plz help.
When I installed this mod my website crashed, and I have several errors
take a look at it : (ITs my test forum)
Idont know what to do plz help.
thnx in advanced
hey try turning it off and double check that all configurations are correct and that the templates edits were made correctly as yours is a custom template there is no reall telling if it made the edits or not!
ifs that doesnt help then ill look closer into it for you