Version: 2.1.3, by jujubins
Developer Last Online: Jun 2013
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 01-10-2009
Last Update: 10-29-2009
Installs: 73
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Coder(s): jujubins (Nando)
Compatibility: 3.6.x, 3.7.x, 3.8.x
Product Info:
Files to upload - 2
Files to import - 1
Templates - 8
Plugins - 2
Phrases - 33
Purpose: Drawn awards for your forum users or if you want, just to one usergroup.
How it works: The users whom have permission to participate, those who have more than "x" posts, registered before "y" and members of "z" group, can take one ticket for day, until the day you set your scheduled tasks of your forum to close the lottery and drawn. As soon as drawn, there will be a congratulation message to the winner and disseminating him.
Upload the files in the forum folder to your vBulletin root.
Import the product_jlottery.xml via Product Manager system.
Upload the files in the forum folder to your vBulletin root.
Import the product_jlottery.xml via Product Manager system.
Go to Admin CP > vBulletin Options > Jujubins Lottery and type in the fields:
Enable: Set this option to yes to enable Jujubins Lottery.
Topic: Topic ID with details of the lottery.
Members Allowed: This option prevent new users to participate in the lottery. Only users before the date chosen could participate. Use Unix time.
Posts Required: Number of posts required to participate.
Usergroups Allowed: Usergroups allowed to participate. Separate with comma the usergroups.
Round tickets:Example:
14 tickets will appear 20 tickets.
34 tickets will appear 40 tickets.
Moderators: Now you can choose the moderator's group to reset in the lottery's page
Post the winner? Automatically post the winner in thread.
Poster userid: The userid that will post the congratulations.
Post message: Post message.
Variables: {winner}, {ticket}, {hour} and {date}
To change the date of the lottery go to Admin CP> Scheduled Taks> Scheduled Task Manager> Jujubins Lottery and modify the fields of the Day of month, Hour and Minute.
Requirements: PHP 4.3.3and MySQL 4.0.16 or later.
History: v0.5.0 - Dec 29. 2008
First Release v0.7.0 - Dec 31. 2008
Added Phrases
Added option to reset when repeated the scheduled task
v0.7.1 - Jan 01. 2009
Correction in the variables of phrases
Correction in pharses
Added language in Portuguese v0.8.0 - Jan 10. 2009
Added option to choose which usergroups can participate
Compatible with version 3.8.0 v1.0.0 - Jan 11. 2009
Added auto-link in the quick links, pop-up of community and navbar
Added option of types of drawn, "per day", "per drawn", "without limits" v1.1.0 - Jan 12. 2009
Fixed: SQL table prefix v1.2.0 - Jan 12. 2009
Added "see all" tickets link
Added option to enable link to see all tickets v1.2.5 - Feb 1. 2009
Fixed: Show winners v1.2.6 - Feb 6. 2009
Fixed: Winner link (member.php) v1.2.6 - Feb 6. 2009
Fixed: Winner link (member.php) v2.0.0 - Out 27. 2009
Re-writted the mod's intire code
Simplified code
SQL with fewer fields
2 new settings: Round tickets and moderators
Now you reset in lottery's page
Fixed: All known bugs v2.1.0 - Out 29. 2009
Added: Automatic congratulations post in the thread (editable) (thanks paul41598)
Fixed: Some insignificant bugs v2.1.1 - Out 30. 2009
Fixed: Posts limit (thanks pipibunny) v2.1.3 - Out 30. 2009
Fixed: Usergroups colors in "See all" (thanks kalisekj)
Fixed: Links in menu (thanks kalisekj)
Fixed: Reset link to moderators (thanks kalisekj)
Fixed: Update version 2.0.0 to above will not reset your lottery (thanks kalisekj)
I apologize to everybody who have donwloaded and waited for the Jujubins Lottery's updates. Today, I've re-writted the mod's intire code, making it simplier and with an easy lecture. I've tested it and no bug was found, I ask for help for everyone of you to make it better.
I promise that, starting from today, I'll be giving support about the mod.
The version 2.0.0 have been lauched, and it's in the topic.
When I set the lotto up on my forum, and the schedule task was preformed, it still showed the "Take a Ticket", but the person who won, it showed they won. Is this a bug or something?
When I set the lotto up on my forum, and the schedule task was preformed, it still showed the "Take a Ticket", but the person who won, it showed they won. Is this a bug or something?
Q: Have it installed and is working ok, I would like to post the results in a thread or group, At a loss on how to do this. Kind of a newbe admin for our guild, and new to vB. BTW: this rocks.
I see how to reset the lottery, but it still shows the number of tickets from the previous drawing. Shouldn't it discard all the old tickets? As it currently is, the "statistics" can actually list members that aren't part of the current lottery.