Version: 1.7, by Valter
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 01-09-2009
Last Update: 02-07-2009
Installs: 714
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
This product adds several advanced options to control new registrations, like:
- 'Random Questions' - User must answer random question to continue with the registration (can be on/off)
- 'Invitations System' - Let users invite their friends to join community
- You can choose to accept only invited people to register
- 'moderated users' management (accept/edit/contact/delete)
- e-mail users automatically when their accounts are accepted (can be on/off)
- 'non-activated users' management (accept/edit/contact/delete)
- Option to delete inactive accounts automatically if not confirmed X days after registration
All these features are controlled from one single page.
- Don't forget to check/update product options after installation
- Only Admins can access this product options/logs
- Inviter is automatically marked as referral when invited user registers using invitation code
1. Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
To set options:
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Cyb - Advanced Registration
Versions: v1.0 - Nov 29. 2008.
- Initial Version v1.1 - Dec 08. 2008.
- New: Option to delete inactive accounts automatically after X days
- New: You can choose to e-mail users automatically when their accounts are accepted
- New: Enable only invited users to join
- Some minor bugs fixed v1.2 - Dec 13. 2008.
- Fixed bug (Invitation e-mail address must be lower-case)
- Fixed bug (Random Question answer must be lower-case)
- Fixed bug (Unregistered users able to send Invitations)
- New: Limit number of Invitations user can send in 7 days
- Minor bug fixes in phrases and html v1.3 - Dec 24. 2008.
- Improved detection of newly registered members who accepted invitations
- Fixed bug (referrer not marked if invitation code is not required) v1.4 - Jan 02. 2009.
- Break lists into pages with standard vB navigation
- Code cleanup v1.5 - Jan 25. 2009.
-Fixed bug (user can register without proper invitation code)
-New: Send multiple invitations at once
-New option: Maximum Invitations user can send at once
-New: Inviters are now able to add they real name to the message
-Minor bug fixes v1.6 - Jan 25. 2009.
-Important bug fix in Invitation System v1.7 - Feb 08. 2009.
-Fixed bug (Blank 'inviter' field for inviters who have been deleted in the meantime)
-Better inactive users detection for auto-prune (only zero-posters deleted)
-Fixed some CSS validation errors
-New: Check if e-mail address is already registered or invited before sending invitation
-Minor bugs fixed
I have one issue though. How can I change the font color in the question/answer setup screen? The text fields where I enter q and a is white and my text is white.