Easily create forms with no HTML or PHP knowledge. Questions can be made compulsory and are checked before the form is submitted. Forms can be previewed. (You can create multiple forms)
Okay, so now I also see a number in the title when I add a dropdown menu. Is there a way to get the text that is chosen from a dropdown menu or behind a radio button? Or am I doing something wrong?
Question 14 is radio button with 2 choices A and B and no matter what I chosse the title only displays 1 or 2 instead of A or B...
Okay, so now I also see a number in the title when I add a dropdown menu. Is there a way to get the text that is chosen from a dropdown menu or behind a radio button? Or am I doing something wrong?
Question 14 is radio button with 2 choices A and B and no matter what I chosse the title only displays 1 or 2 instead of A or B...
Its working for my form with dropdown in the form displaying in title. Try importing attached product file.
I think it would be nice to have permission-based forms. For example, I would be able to have staff members see a "Staff Request" form, while members could not see it, based on group ids.
Very nice forum constructor. Tested at my debug site.
Could you consider some extentions?
Optional preg_match (or ereg) rule for single line text. Very useful to check email, birthday format and so on, prior to send.
Added in v1.7
Originally Posted by Vitaly
Customizable groups permissions for each form. For example, if user have no enougth privilegies, hi sould not disturb tech stuff with some questions.
Added in v1.7
Originally Posted by Vitaly
Custom error message (for each form), if user have no permissions to access it. Sometime, links to form is publik, but user don't understand why he is not allowed to use form.
I think an appropriate title would cover this, i.e. Suggestion form for public.
Originally Posted by Vitaly
Extention to (2). Some form (for example, for advertisers), should be also available without any registration. Just with additional contact fields. To simplify process for regustered users, we can define "redirect rule to simplified form" in form parameters, if user is logged in.
User permissions per question might be going over the top.
Originally Posted by Vitaly
Option to (4) - request default captcha for guests, if necessary.
I'm not sure if vBulletin captcha is easily accessible via modifications. If it is I'll add it.
Originally Posted by Vitaly
It would be nice to have option to send form to email. (new post / new thread / pm to user / email to user). Some feedback questions can be confidential, and it's not a goot idea to keep such info at forum.
I'll add this soon.
Originally Posted by Vitaly
Add link to forms list in product settings. A bit annoying to remember URL