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Video-Directory Details »»
Version: 1.1.0 RC 2, by Surviver Surviver is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2020 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 3.7.x Rating:
Released: 09-28-2008 Last Update: 11-14-2008 Installs: 350
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

What is this?

This add on gives your users the possibility to collect their favourite videos from some video-webpages (supported at the moment: MyVideo, YouTube, Sevenload and Metacafe) and to provide them in the forum. The videos can be commented and rated.

The Administrator has many possibilities of settings and can create video-categories and administrate the video-directory.

List of features:
  • Completely integrated in vBulletin
  • Many possibility of settings for the Administrator
    • Many possibilities of settings
    • permissions of usergroups
    • Administration of categories
    • Administration of video-webpages
      • Incl. import and export
  • Very simple installation
  • Homepage can be configured easily
  • Videos are integrated in the forum
    • Videos can be voted with AJAX
    • Commets to videos can be posted
    • Videos can be reported
    • User can see other members watching the video at the same time
  • Simple search-function
  • RSS-Feed of videos
  • Advanced WOL-integration
  • Advanced vBSEO-integration
  1. Upload all files from the directory "root" (Keep the structure of folders)
  2. The directory of videothumbnails and includes/videoserviceapi needs 777 permissions
  3. Import the product-videodirectory.xml from the admin-controllpanel
  4. After importing the product DON'T close the window, follow the installiton instructions!
  • 1.0.0 RC 1 - First release
  • 1.0.0 RC 2 - Improvements and correcting some errors - many thanks to Hapi for reworking the templates!
  • 1.0.0 RC 3 - Correting some bugs: 38409, 38496, 38548, 38611
  • 1.1.0 Beta 1 - "Major Release"
    • Correcting some bugs
    • New: Search function
    • New: Reporting funvtion for videos
    • New: Import/export funtion for Video-Webpages
    • New: Improvements for guests
    • New: Best voted videos on Mainpage
    • New: vBSEO-Integration
    • New: Simplified installation
  • 1.1.0 Beta 2 - Small Bugfix-Release
  • 1.1.0 RC 1 - New Feature (Members who are watching the same video at video details page), Bugfixes (Missing File for comments added, vBSEO CRR fixed)
  • 1.1.0 RC 2 - Added two new videohosters (sevenload and metacafe), added rss feed, added thumbnail-preview when adding a video, MyVideo Class optimized, some bugs fixed
Roadmap for Version 1.2.0:
  • Tag-function for videos
  • Favourite Videos (AJAX)
  • Watchlist (AJAX)
  • [s]User watching the same video at the moment[/s] - Added in Version 1.1.0 RC 1
  • Video-comments per AJAX, to avoid reload
  • "Video-Profile" for user
  • Moderation
  • [S]New Videos in forumhome[/S] (See addons)
  • [s]RSS-Feed for Videos[/s] - Added in Version 1.1.0 RC 2
  • Integration in statistic-block in profile
Developer notes:

Do you want to enhance the video-directory, but some hooks are missing? Do you want to enhance the templates and you need some template-hooks? No Problem! Send a PM and the hooks will be integrated in the next version!


Feel free to check out our Developer-Blog at vBPoint.org!

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 12-25-2008, 03:37 AM
Jaxel Jaxel is offline
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I also have a question about this mod for Survivor...

Why do you store the uploader's username in the video table? Shouldn't the userid be enough? If you are reading the usernames from the video table, instead of the vbulletin user table, what happens when someone's username gets changed?
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Old 12-25-2008, 05:33 AM
Jaxel Jaxel is offline
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Okay... Merry Christmas Everyone! I have a whole bunch of new edits this time around... and I have made it easier by simply making them all into files for you...

The first file of course is "videoDirectory.XML"... this is simply my template edits. Just download the file and then import it into your style and you will get all my most recent updates. Don't forget of course to download the other files as some of my edits are dependant on them. This new version adds support for comment counting, and manages the new "isHD" variable I've created.

The next file is "video.php"... The core video script I have made a lot of changes to. Allow me to enumerate them...
  1. Added support for VIDEO-DETAILS-EMBED... this is the template I added so that the embedded video goes above the categories, isntead of to the right; this way there is more space for high definition videos.
  2. VideoBBCode now fetches the video title for bbcode embed tags.
  3. PageNav for comments on VIDEO-DETAILS now properly calls up construct_video_url. Why it was not doing this to begin with, when every other video url link was; is beyond me. SHAME ON YOU SURVIVOR!
  4. Per Survivor's hotfixes; RSS feeds are properly sanitized for IE and Opera.
  5. I have removed the "random" and "best rated" options for VIDEO-DETAILS. There is no reason to have these options for when people are viewing specific videos. I have left the "related video" options intact.
  6. The Delete Comment page is now constructed properly. It calls its own page, isntead of from the shell.

The new file this time around is "includes/functions_videodirectory.php"...
  1. The construct_video_bit function now has a new routine for handling the new isHD variable. Basically, if the video service for a video contains the word "HD" in it; it will mark the video as HD in the video_bit. (By default, I have this marking as a red "HD" tag). Now the HD tag will work for ANY high definition hosting service, as long as "HD" is in the $hostername (its inside the XML for the video-hoster).
  2. The construct_video_url and construct_category_url functions have been rewritten. For those of you using VBSEO, there will be no change for you. For everyone else, YOU NOW HAVE BASIC SEO! It's not perfect, its only for video and category links. You don't need TfSEO for this; it will work for anybody with Apache. To get the SEO functions, your .htaccess file must include the following:
    RewriteEngine On
    #### VideoDirectory
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3 [QSA,L]
  3. If you do not want to use the SEO functions (either you dont have an apache server, or dont have access to your .htaccess) delete or comment out the following line from video.php. You dont have to do this if you have VBSEO, since I set the priority to the function to search for VBSEO first, before it looks for this basic SEO... but you can delete the line if you so wish.
    define('SEO_ENABLED', true);

Also included are new versions of YouTube.XML and YouTubeHD.XML.
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Old 12-25-2008, 07:44 AM
Jaxel Jaxel is offline
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Working on somethign new....

My video directory now has USER VIDEO PAGES....

I'll upload this and further fixes to the basic SEO stuff later... Now EVERY link to videos, categories, and users is SEO.
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Old 12-25-2008, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by ChipW View Post
Just for anyone's information. I use 3.7 Beta 4. I changed the minimum version in the .xml file and it installed flawlessly and works great.

The only bug I have is no ACP links. But, I seen there was a video.php in the admincp folder and called it up. No problems.
Can't confirm. Did you refresh the ACP?

Originally Posted by Jaxel View Post
Survivor... the settings classes for videohoster XML files dont work... it gives an error in admincp/video.php

TriMe... I know what the problem is with your thumbnails not showing... send me a PM on AIM if you can.
What error exactly do you get?

Originally Posted by Jaxel View Post
I also have a question about this mod for Survivor...

Why do you store the uploader's username in the video table? Shouldn't the userid be enough? If you are reading the usernames from the video table, instead of the vbulletin user table, what happens when someone's username gets changed?
The Column is for guests. If a guest posts a video, he has no id - we have to store the username in the video table

Originally Posted by Jaxel View Post
Okay... Merry Christmas Everyone! I have a whole bunch of new edits this time around... and I have made it easier by simply making them all into files for you...

The first file of course is "videoDirectory.XML"... this is simply my template edits. Just download the file and then import it into your style and you will get all my most recent updates. Don't forget of course to download the other files as some of my edits are dependant on them. This new version adds support for comment counting, and manages the new "isHD" variable I've created.

The next file is "video.php"... The core video script I have made a lot of changes to. Allow me to enumerate them...
  1. Added support for VIDEO-DETAILS-EMBED... this is the template I added so that the embedded video goes above the categories, isntead of to the right; this way there is more space for high definition videos.
  2. VideoBBCode now fetches the video title for bbcode embed tags.
  3. PageNav for comments on VIDEO-DETAILS now properly calls up construct_video_url. Why it was not doing this to begin with, when every other video url link was; is beyond me. SHAME ON YOU SURVIVOR!
  4. Per Survivor's hotfixes; RSS feeds are properly sanitized for IE and Opera.
  5. I have removed the "random" and "best rated" options for VIDEO-DETAILS. There is no reason to have these options for when people are viewing specific videos. I have left the "related video" options intact.
  6. The Delete Comment page is now constructed properly. It calls its own page, isntead of from the shell.

The new file this time around is "includes/functions_videodirectory.php"...
  1. The construct_video_bit function now has a new routine for handling the new isHD variable. Basically, if the video service for a video contains the word "HD" in it; it will mark the video as HD in the video_bit. (By default, I have this marking as a red "HD" tag). Now the HD tag will work for ANY high definition hosting service, as long as "HD" is in the $hostername (its inside the XML for the video-hoster).
  2. The construct_video_url and construct_category_url functions have been rewritten. For those of you using VBSEO, there will be no change for you. For everyone else, YOU NOW HAVE BASIC SEO! It's not perfect, its only for video and category links. You don't need TfSEO for this; it will work for anybody with Apache. To get the SEO functions, your .htaccess file must include the following:
    RewriteEngine On
    #### VideoDirectory
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3 [QSA,L]
  3. If you do not want to use the SEO functions (either you dont have an apache server, or dont have access to your .htaccess) delete or comment out the following line from video.php. You dont have to do this if you have VBSEO, since I set the priority to the function to search for VBSEO first, before it looks for this basic SEO... but you can delete the line if you so wish.
    define('SEO_ENABLED', true);

Also included are new versions of YouTube.XML and YouTubeHD.XML.
Originally Posted by Jaxel View Post
Working on somethign new....

My video directory now has USER VIDEO PAGES....

I'll upload this and further fixes to the basic SEO stuff later... Now EVERY link to videos, categories, and users is SEO.
Very nice changes I hope, I'll be able to integrate some of them in Version 1.1.0.

But at the momenmt i don't have much time - i don't know when i'll be ready to release the next version

I'm going to integrate the user's page in Version 1.2.0


PS: Sorry, that i replyed with a large delay - but as I said, i don't have much time at the moment
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Old 12-26-2008, 02:33 AM
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i tried to import the videoDirectory.xml file and my vbulletin said:

Importing Style, Please Wait...


vBulletin Message

This file was created using a different version of vBulletin from the one you are running.

Your version: 1.1.0 B 1
File version: 1.1.0 RC 2

Merry Christmas!!
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Old 12-26-2008, 03:10 AM
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Originally Posted by puregraf View Post
i tried to import the videoDirectory.xml file and my vbulletin said:

Importing Style, Please Wait...


vBulletin Message

This file was created using a different version of vBulletin from the one you are running.

Your version: 1.1.0 B 1
File version: 1.1.0 RC 2

Merry Christmas!!
Why are you trying to import a product through the Style Manager?
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Old 12-26-2008, 03:18 AM
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because the directions said:

The first file of course is "videoDirectory.XML"... this is simply my template edits. Just download the file and then import it into your style

i imported as a product also and got same error
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Old 12-26-2008, 03:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Jaxel View Post
Working on somethign new....

My video directory now has USER VIDEO PAGES....

I'll upload this and further fixes to the basic SEO stuff later... Now EVERY link to videos, categories, and users is SEO.
I'll wait until this is added...great job Jaxel

I was going to do the update that you posted, but I'll wait and do everything at once. Thanks for sharing and for working on making this great mod even better! :up:
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Old 12-26-2008, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by puregraf View Post
because the directions said:

The first file of course is "videoDirectory.XML"... this is simply my template edits. Just download the file and then import it into your style

i imported as a product also and got same error
Oh, your talking about Jaxel's modifications. When you get a style conflict error, you have to set it to Ignore Style Version to get it to import.
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Old 12-26-2008, 11:38 AM
Jaxel Jaxel is offline
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Okay... here is my newest build information...

In efforts to make this easier, I have completely rebuilt the product file and enclosed all my changes in a zip file. Extract the zip, upload all the new files, then import the product. This is NOT a replacement product; its an ehancement. You must have Survivor's version first. There are of course several important notes you should read before doing anything...
  1. For some reason, when you re-install the Video-Directory, it does NOT save your previous settings for "Limits". Make sure you go into Videos > General Settings and record your settings in the "Limits" section. Everytime you upgrade, this stuff will be wiped out and I couldn't figure out how to fix Survivor's code to fix it.
    • I recommend the following settings for your limits...
    • 5 - 15 - 2 - 5 - 0 - 0 - 5 - 20 - 5
  2. When you re-install the Video-Directory, it also does not re-install your videohoster XML files. Simple, this means you need to re-import the two YouTube XML files I have included in the zip. Just import them and it will automatically overwrite your old YouTube XML files.
  3. You may need to update/revert your existing templates to get my new template edits.
  4. By default I have disabled the options for SEO-slugs. While yes, the SEO-slugs do work great; they inherintly break the Who's Online system. I don't know much about SEO or VBplugins, so chances are I wont be fixing this anytime soon. If you use VBSEO, the SEO-slug system doesn't affect you.
  5. If you so wish, you can enable the SEO-slugs as they are right now by uncommenting the following line in /video.php.
    // define('SEO_ENABLED', true);
    And add the following to your .htaccess file:
    RewriteEngine On
    #### VideoDirectory
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-u([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewuser&userid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-u([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewuser&userid=$3 [QSA,L]
Okay... that was simple enough... now for my patch notes, once again being worked backwards with Beyond Compare 3

CHANGES TO product-videodirectory.xml from Survivor's Version
  • Fixed create table constructs to check for existance.
  • Added new column in videocategory for the indent level.
  • Rewrote ALL TEMPLATES to be more aestheticly pleasing.
  • Added templates "video_catbit_small_sub", "video_details_embed" and "video_user".
  • Added Who's Online information for video user pages.
  • Added missing phrases for many of the new features in my edits.
  • Rewrote the majority of the phrases in this mod for better English.
CHANGES TO /video.php from Survivor's Version
  • Added support for a basic SEO slug system.
  • Added support for a basic "sub-category" system. Its not actually sub categories; but I have made it so that you can define a "level" for each category. When listing categories on the sidebar, the system will now print out the contents of the template "video_catbit_small_sub" once for each level of the category. So by default, categories are level 0, and video_catbit_small_sub prints out 0 times. If you set a category to level 2, then the contents of video_catbit_small_sub will print out 2 times before it displays the category link. You can see an example of how this works here: http://www.8wayrun.com/video.php
  • Added support for contributor video pages. Very simple, click on the user link and it will go to a page listing all videos uploaded by that user.
  • Moved embed code to the top of the page using the template "video_details_embed". This gives more space for high definition video.
  • VideoBBCode now fetches the video title for bbcode embed tags.
  • PageNav for comments on VIDEO-DETAILS now properly calls up construct_video_url. Why it was not doing this to begin with, when every other video url link was; is beyond me. SHAME ON YOU SURVIVOR!
  • Per Survivor's hotfixes; RSS feeds are properly sanitized for IE and Opera. Firefox was displaying the broken RSS feed without issues; so most people didn't notice it.
  • I have removed the "random" and "best rated" options for VIDEO-DETAILS. There is no reason to have these options for when people are viewing specific videos. I have left the "related video" options intact.
  • The Delete Comment page is now constructed properly. It calls its own page, instead of from the shell.
  • I forced category display on all pages. In the original version, on certain pages, the category didn't show up in the videobit... now it always does.
CHANGES TO /admincp/video.php from Survivor's Version
  • Added support for the category "level" indenting system. In order to change the level of a category, you must do it in the category edit screen in your admincp. I tried to figure out how to do it from the display order screen; but as I said, I dont know much about VB plugins; so i couldn't figure it out.
  • Changed the videohoster "yesno" setting from "true : false" to "1 : 0"... The problem is that if you set something for true, it worked fine (it properly inputted "1" into the videohoster fields); but if you set something for false, it inputted a null instead of properly inputting "0". So now the "yesno" goes straight to the 1 or 0.
CHANGES TO /includes/class_dm_videocategory.php from Survivor's Version
  • Added support for the category "level" indenting system.
CHANGES TO /includes/functions_videodirectory.php from Survivor's Version
  • The construct_video_bit function now has a new routine for handling the new isHD variable. Basically, if the video service for a video contains the word "HD" in it; it will mark the video as HD in the video_bit. (By default, I have this marking as a red "HD" tag). Now the HD tag will work for ANY high definition hosting service, as long as "HD" is in the $hostername (its inside the XML for the video-hoster).
  • Added support for the contributor video pages.
  • Added support for the SEO slug system.
I've also rewritten the YouTube videohoster files, so that they have options for enabling/disabling fullscreen, autoplay and related video options.

@Survivor... you can pretty much incorporate ALL of my changes in your next version; this way at least you dont have to do much for the video user pages. You can download a program called Beyond Compare that will show you a line by line comparison to your files. Anyways, the biggest thing I want is a TAGGING system... get that asap! =P
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