I go to a lot of ipb boards and other free forum boards and they have an affiliate like this one.. .. anyhow i was wondering if it were possible to make something like this for VB. I have VB and love it more then any other software but i really love the affilate box on these other forums. They have the marquee effect and you can click on view all and it shows all affiliates on another page and also the link us and all thats added into that one spot. So it keeps it together. My affiliate box is getting kinda full and i would like to have something like that so people can click on view all and see all the affiliates in one go. Ive looked through the mods but couldnt find anything similiar to this. Ive seen people come up with awesome mods here and wonder if this type could be possible. I am sure others would like it to. Just a thought anyway.. sorry if this seems like a dumb question but i had to ask.
yeah i have that one already.. i just wanted it to have a link to go to a seperate page that shows all my affiliates in one go.. i mean i dont have a butt load right now but i will soon lol.
Originally Posted by FRDS
You can also just insert some code above your footer template
eeeeekkkkkkkkkk me coding.. that could cause my forum much harm. Im still learning and everytime i get in the admin cp and mess with stuff people always says she's messing with the forum again lol. >.< Good thing my members love me.
yeah i have that one already.. i just wanted it to have a link to go to a seperate page that shows all my affiliates in one go.. i mean i dont have a butt load right now but i will soon lol.