Hello folks i'd like to request a simple points system. the way in which i wish it to work would be for an admin to be able to set the ammount of points a user gets for posts, new threads and replies. and also an addition setup for admins to allow the user to Purchase points using the payment system vBulletin already has, and the number of points for each package etc.
i'd also like the user to be able to spend points on items from another system (i'm talking RPG inferno here) since i'm not a coder i'd like an easy way for myself to be able to set up the points system for a shop that a user can purchase items for that will be added to their inventory in an RPG inferno.
the next bit would be a shop system by where the points could be spent (like in other modifications) only only wish for the shop to sell things related to the other system (RPG inferno). but i guess the mod could allow users to create other such items like name changes etc.
any takers? i would really appreciate this mod and so will many of the other users.
this mod is different from the other system mods as it revolves around users purchasing the points more than earning. and example of what i mean can be found at Gpotato.com
their system involves buying points known as Gpots and spending them on items that you gain on an in-game client, although i need it for the RPG inferno instead.
Well now that RPG Inferno is discontinued.. it might not be worth it sadly...