We need a hack/mod with an option on newthread.php to send u 3 pm/email [green/yellow/red] at least after the post you are interested for an answer...
sometimes I post a question and never find again the thread or can't keep memory of all my issues maybe on the next 3 post after my question I will receive my answer
p.s. I'm realistic, I won't force the Staff to do it, instead I have to lobby long time for it, or hire a coder, or find an interested coder on my idea... See?
I knew about clicking on the Replies to find out how many posts you (and others) have made in a thread, but didn't know I could click on the number to get the actual list of posts. Learn something new everyday, thanks! :up:
I knew about it.
Originally Posted by Danny.VBT
Just subscribe to the thread if you need help being reminded of your questions pending answers. No need to further complicate things IMO.