Version: 1.1.0, by sinisterpain
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 07-26-2007
Last Update: 02-01-2008
Installs: 247
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
What Donations Bar Is:
It is a simple way for Admins to show a donation progress bar on their forum home page with Admin set goals and donations recieved. Because the donation bar is a stand alone it can be utilized with any donation system your using. It adds more visability of your site donation goal requirements and donation button to your members for hopefully more through put in donations.
If your using this mod in 3.6.10 or higher and your sending people directly to paypal instead of your donation page from the button you need to add the below or you will recieve the security token error on clicking the button
If you do not use this format for the links your button will not show. Please do not copy and past my info above you must fo to your Paypal account and create a button with your account code and email info.
If you wish instead of a paypal button link you can put the URL to your donation page.
Update Version:
1.00 First Realease
1.01 updated template to be more in line with default vbulletin style.
1.02 Added donation bar color to change to green when 100% or greater donations met.
Also added version check.
1.03 Fixed the color of the bar to not show small piece of red bar on left. Edited donorbar
template to fix broken donor bar box.
1.04 Added Cyb-paypal intergration in admincp donation bar options. Thanks goes to AWJUNKIES for the adddition.
1.0.5 Fixed XHTML missing tag. Added ability to enter vbsubscription amount through Admincp. Bar will display only 100% now and once reached will post a thank you below donor button if you have a thank you message set. Fixed the donorbar template to be in the template group and not part of vbulletin so updating updates the template.
1.0.6 Added Auto updating of the donor bar for Vb paid subscriptions
1.0.7 Added option for auto insert of the donation bar under navbar, you can now float the donation bar if you are using chatbox, option for selection of usergroups able to see donor bar, You have option to enter which page to display donation bar on or show on all pages. General code clean-up.
1.0.8 Fixed issue with template not being cached. Added ability to change currency symbol from admincp.
1.1.0 Added setting in admincp for setting goal period
Upgrading Instructions:
When upgrading to Version 1.0.7 please make sure you remove the
FORUMHOME template edit as its no longer required. Failure to do so will produce two donor bars on forum index page.
IMPORTANT: If updating from an earlier version than 1.0.5 you must uninstall the earlier version and delete the old donorbar template before importing the new XML file.
Go to your Admincp->Plugin&Products->Manage products->Add/Import Product make sure you select overwrite.
Please report any and all bugs within this thread with as much detail as possible.
Click Mark as Installed for support and so that you will be notified instantly upon any major updates.
can you make an option to have a feature to exclude pages instead. Because i only want one page to not be visible and i have multiple scripts that i want it to show so it will be pain to put alot of script names...
i want to the donationbar to disappear on cmps
I've deleted and reloaded this hoping to fix it but for some reason when a member donates it does not update my bar. Even if I tell the bar in the settings how much members have donated it doesn't update the bar.. Whats going on?
I have it linked with Cyb paypal currently and not sure that its all setup correctly but hope it is. Anyways Could definitely use some help....
I've deleted and reloaded this hoping to fix it but for some reason when a member donates it does not update my bar. Even if I tell the bar in the settings how much members have donated it doesn't update the bar.. Whats going on?
I have it linked with Cyb paypal currently and not sure that its all setup correctly but hope it is. Anyways Could definitely use some help....
have you tried disabling mine and enabling Cybs donation bar to see if its another issue like you have not confirmed the donations through cybs mod.
Also what version of vb and cybs mod are you using?