With VBM your members can login to the messenger with thier membership details , add other members to thier contact list (for VB 3.7 contacts are the friends in the friend list) , communicate with each other with smilies , fonts , colors ... , also they will be notified about newest forum posts and threads and view "last 10 posts" in the forum in an easy and fast way with a "Read More" button that will open the thread/post when clicked .
VBM has a public chat room , that can be accessed by all members that use the messenger .
Your members will know about the newest posts in the forum and will open the new post in a new browser window once they click the notification , which means a more active forum members and a better moderation .
- VBM is easy to install and manage .
- VBM Means less resources required from your website server (MySQL Queries > CPU , Bandwidth) .
- VBM Means a more living forum , and a better moderation .
- It is easy to install and manage your VBulletin Messenger system .
- Fully Supported
- VBM takes less queries from DATABASE and takes less resources/bandwidth because it dosen't have to load the pictures/CSS/backgrounds or any other files from your server , it only loads a small list of online/offline contacts with information about last 10 posts and threads in the forum , which takes about 10-15 queries and max of 5kb-15kb transfere which is less a 1000-10000 times from only opening the forum home page .
1 - Download the Server Side Script and Open the file "include.php" and edit the database details to match these of your forum config.php entries
2 - Upload all the PHP files in the "vbmsngr" directory in the root directory of your website "/public_html/" (You may need to create the "/public_html/vbmsngr" folder) .
3 - Tell your members and/or moderators about The Messenger Installation Pack which is the messenger desktop software
Every one who installs this software and have a membership in your forum can chat to each other .
To login to the messenger use your user name then the "@" sign then your forum URL . example : me@myforum.com , enter your password and you're in !!!
You can make a subdomain and add the Server Side Script in it , but then no one can login to the messenger unless they know the subdomain address .
- Messenger accepts only usernames and passwords in english chars! ( other languages support coming soon! )
- There will not be any options of editing the [Sitename] Messenger / theme / skin / removing the @domain.com login method unless in custom versions , please refer to the website .
I type in my name and password and they are the correct name and password, and it says 'wrong name or password' and then there is a run-time error '424' ....
Could you help me here ?
yes , login with your username@site.com , where site.com is your domain name , the run time error is fixed in version 1.4 , will be uploaded by the end of the week
alright.. i must say great work by you, but i think you released it too early coz a lot of work needs to be done i think.
Besides the fact that it did not run for me, I don't know how, but it removed iertutil.dll from my PC and started spitting out DLL not found errors.
I uninstalled VBM, reinstalled Yahoo, ran system file checker but nothing helped. I even downloaded iertutil.dll but didn't work as there occured a version mismatch.
Atlast, I finally decided to reinstall windows but i thought of asking once for that dll from my friend. And that solved the problem, as I got the right version iertutil.dll
I hope the updated version would be much more stable. Waiting for it. thanks !
Hi, Please share with me that iertutil.dll file, I also missed that.