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Flashchat: Integration for vB 3.7
Version: 3.7.009, by Paul M Paul M is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Chat Modifications - Version: 3.7.x Rating:
Released: 01-02-2008 Last Update: 10-24-2008 Installs: 601
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Flashchat integration with vBulletin 3.7

Note: Flashchat Version 5.0.8 onwards now has the option for vbulletin 3.7 integration.

Standard Flashchat includes vBulletin integration as part of the Tufat supplied files. However, the standard integration does not include Direct Usergroup Integration or other extra's like the WOL Display & Flashchat on a vBulletin page. This Modification adds those features

Standard vB 3.7 integration features

* Authorised members are automatically logged in.
* Automatic login works even if a member has not ticked "remember me".
* All non authorised members are locked out (this and the above are based on usergroup membership).
* If enabled, Flashchat updates the users session location (displayed in various vBulletin online location displays such as WOL).
* Real ip detection when a proxy server is used (only if the proxy server passes on the details).
* Permanant, Private Rooms are loaded by Admins and Moderators (allows for Staff Rooms).

Extra's added by this modification

* Direct login to a room.
* The WOL will correctly display Flashchat as the location (not 'Unknown Location')
* Flashchat can be displayed embedded inside a 'standard' vBulletin Page (i.e. not full screen).
* Direct Usergroup Integration - a section is added to each usergroup in the ACP Usergroup Manager to set the Flashchat permissions for that group.
* The plugin will try to automatically add a link to Flashchat in your Quick Links or Navbar - this feature can be disabled if you wish.
* The automatic link can have a prefix path defined - useful if you use something like CMPS.
* You can define a usergroup to login as Flashchats "Spy" mode. (Version 3.7.002 onwards)

More notes:

* This integration is for Flashchat versions 4.7.x or 5.0.x (seperate downloads).
* The automatic link feature may fail if you have customised templates (it uses template hooks).
* For Flashchat inside a vBulletin page you need to link to .../misc.php?do=flashchat
* This modification does not add any links to Flashchat Administration in the ACP.
* You can set all members to login direct to particular room via the ACP.
* You can also add a room parameter to the url - i.e. .../misc.php?do=flashchat&room=3
* Spys can login into the chat but are not listed in the room - they cannot chat, just watch.
* 3.7.004 onwards has extra code to cope with VBs CSRF protection, which interferes with profile linking.
* 3.7.006 onwards is for Flashchat 5.0.x - The previous version for Flashchat 4 (3.7.005) will continue to be available for the moment.

The CMS file assumes that you are installing Flashchat in your forum root folder - this is the same folder as your usercp.php file and includes folder. Installation will fail if you do not do this.

Support: Please check the instructions, and make sure you have uploaded any files to the correct location - the vast majority of problems reported are due to an error made in editing or uploading files. If you are still stuck and want me to take a look then feel free to PM me your site address, an admin user, and ftp access details, without these I cannot help you. I will look when I have time.

Flashchat 4 : If you have upgraded from 3.6 to 3.7 make sure you have edited the CMS entry in the Flashchat config.php file.

Finally, I am not Tufat.com or Flashchat Support - if you have questions about Flashchat, their forums are here.

To use the this upgraded integration simply download and unzip the file, then follow the instructions in the text file. Once installed, the Flashchat userlevel options for each usergroup will appear in the ACP usergroup edit screens - editing of the CMS file will no longer be required.


v3.7.001 : First release for vb 3.7.
v3.7.002 : Option for Flashchat spy mode added.
v3.7.003 : Fix for 404 page not found error in certain situations.
v3.7.004 : Code added to allow profile views blocked by VB's CSRF protection.
v3.7.005 : CSRF Code changed.

v3.7.006 : Modified for Flashchat 5.
v3.7.007 : Removed 3.6 CMS file, Updated install code.
v3.7.008 : Fix bug in new install code - was using WIC option.
v3.7.009 : CMS file updated to check a users infraction groups.

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 09-01-2008, 01:07 AM
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Got Flashchat 5.06 working with VBulletin 3.73.

It was a bit of a bumpy road, but it is working now. I pieced together some advice from other messages here.

Here's a summary of how I got it to work:

1. I moved the existing chat to an archive directory name (chat.old).

2. Get the new flashchat 5.06 unzipped and uploaded.

3. Upload the files from this integration module as directed.

4. Get rid of the existing vbulletin36CMS.php or rename it.

5. Rename the vbulletin37CMS.php to vbulletin36CMS.php

6. *IMPORTANT* Go into your mysql database, and delete all tables that start with flashchat. I didn't do this at first and got a black screen when I ran flashchat. This step is only needed if you had flashchat installed before.

7. Now go ahead and follow the normal installation. Be sure to select Vbulletin 3.6 as your choice.

8. Follow the post-install integration instructions as well. You don't have to worry about the CMS file part. We already took care of that in the steps above.

That's what it took for mine to get working. Good luck!
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Old 09-01-2008, 06:14 AM
Jaxel Jaxel is offline
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I made the following change to your original Flashchat Template:

PHP Code:
html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
no cache headers -->
meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1" />
meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
end no cache headers -->
title><phrase 1="$vboptions[bbtitle]">$vbphrase[x_powered_by_vbulletin]</phrase></title>
<!-- main -->
table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%" align="center">
body -->
tr align="center">
td class="alt1" colspan="2">
iframe width="100%" height="$vboptions[fcheight]src="$fcpath/flashchat.php$room"></iframe>
end body -->
tr align="center">
td class="thead"><div class="smallfont"><a href="/chat/flashchat.php">Full Screen FlashChat</a></div></td>
td class="thead"><div class="smallfont">$data_fci[titleVersion $data_fci[version] : &copy; <a href="http://www.cableforum.co.uk/board/member.php?u=1268">Paul Marsden</a$copyrightyear</div></td>
<!-- /
main -->
br />
br />
<!-- PEMDATA37$data_fci[title] : Version $data_fci[version] : Revision $data_fci[cvs] -->
This adds a link on the bottom left for full screen flashchat, as well as fixes the copyright symbol.
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Old 09-01-2008, 08:28 AM
Poppet Poppet is offline
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Originally Posted by updated View Post
Got Flashchat 5.06 working with VBulletin 3.73.

It was a bit of a bumpy road, but it is working now. I pieced together some advice from other messages here.

Here's a summary of how I got it to work:

1. I moved the existing chat to an archive directory name (chat.old).

2. Get the new flashchat 5.06 unzipped and uploaded.

3. Upload the files from this integration module as directed.

4. Get rid of the existing vbulletin36CMS.php or rename it.

5. Rename the vbulletin37CMS.php to vbulletin36CMS.php

6. *IMPORTANT* Go into your mysql database, and delete all tables that start with flashchat. I didn't do this at first and got a black screen when I ran flashchat. This step is only needed if you had flashchat installed before.

7. Now go ahead and follow the normal installation. Be sure to select Vbulletin 3.6 as your choice.

8. Follow the post-install integration instructions as well. You don't have to worry about the CMS file part. We already took care of that in the steps above.

That's what it took for mine to get working. Good luck!
Followed your instructions and it's installed great Works perfectly...
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Old 09-06-2008, 10:42 AM
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I have a question. I have your mod installed witrh FlashChat 4.7 times on my VB3.7.3 board. When your inside the chat and you click on a username and go to Profile is that supposed to link to the vb profile page? Mine does nothing. Also when you PM a member inside the chat and their avatar pops up is that image sapposed to be linked to their vb profile as well?

I had upgraded my site from 3.6x to 3.7x. I figured maybe there was some config setting I needed to change to get the flashchat profile button under a user name to link to the vb users page???

Does that work or not work?
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Old 09-06-2008, 03:28 PM
tldagent tldagent is offline
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I'm still having and ongoing problem that I had originally posted here.

I installed new flashchat 5.0.7 and everything worked fine until I reinstalled this hack. The chat is there but the box to type in is not there. I've installed this over and over and still can't seem to get it to work. I'm using vb 3.7.2 and flashchat 5.0.7. It's not a problem with Flashchat as I stated before, it was working and the chat entry box was available all the way up until I installed this integration hack. Anyone have any ideas as chat on our forum has been down for months.

If I take the old vbulletin36CMS.php file and upload it, then the problem is gone. But if I use the file within this hack, the chat box (where you type chat) doesn't show up at all.

Please assist!
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:24 PM
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In December 2006 ShanJ asked the following in the 3.6 integration thread:

Originally Posted by Shanj
[...] So I need to restrict access to at least some rooms to the students who are members of a class / usergroup.

I need to have at least three rooms (but would like more) where only certain members can go to each room. I have similar access to their own forums, via usergroup on vb, and access permissions were a major reason for choosing vb.

It would be great to config the flashchat integrate mod to carry over the same usergroups as I have on vb. That would be heaven! so a user with e.g. B usergroup can then be allocated access to their own B room, C usergroup can be given access to their own C room etc. [...]
Is this still impossible/difficult to do? Are there any existing hacks to accomplish something like this? I have FlashChat 5.0.7 integrated and working with vB 3.7.3 using the Flashchat: Integration for vB 3.7. On the board there is one usergroup that I would like to restrict to a single dedicated/private room (they're neither admins nor moderators). Other registered users (not member of that group) would have normal access to FlashChat, except perhaps they would be restricted from accessing the room that is dedicated for the user group that is restricted to the single, pre-defined room.
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Old 09-07-2008, 11:44 AM
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There is no facility within Flashchat to restrict the rooms users can enter (in the manner you want).
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Old 09-07-2008, 06:25 PM
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After updating your mod the profile button on the user's drop down menu in FlashChat no longer works. How can I fix this? Also their avatar photo which comes up next to the private message window no longer links to their profile as well. Is there a code setting I have to change to get these two items to point to their VB profiles again?

I have a new international board for students and teachers all around the world to share from their classrooms together. I really would like to get the profile button to point back to the VB profile again.


PS: I would also like to talk with you about maybe getting your help to improve my FlashChat Combo mod fro vBa which shows who's in chat. Would be great to have the rooms clickable so you can directly enter the listed rooms from my mod. Also some kind of chat invitation system built into my vBa block.
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Old 09-08-2008, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by tldagent View Post
I'm still having and ongoing problem that I had originally posted here.

I installed new flashchat 5.0.7 and everything worked fine until I reinstalled this hack. The chat is there but the box to type in is not there. I've installed this over and over and still can't seem to get it to work. I'm using vb 3.7.2 and flashchat 5.0.7. It's not a problem with Flashchat as I stated before, it was working and the chat entry box was available all the way up until I installed this integration hack. Anyone have any ideas as chat on our forum has been down for months.

If I take the old vbulletin36CMS.php file and upload it, then the problem is gone. But if I use the file within this hack, the chat box (where you type chat) doesn't show up at all.

Please assist!
Have you tried the new v3.7.006 of this hack yet?
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Old 09-08-2008, 11:15 PM
Yellow-06-GT Yellow-06-GT is offline
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I have installed flashchat and this integration hack. Everything seems to be working properly with the exception of the user group permissions. They seem to have no effect. All users are able to chat, even if I set the user group to "no chat access" or even if I set the group to "Banned from chat".

What am I doing wrong?

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