AJAX disabled if you have AJAX disabled on your forum.
Re-did the search for groaned posts.
Optimized AJAX code to make AJAX work faster
rel="nofollow" added to all links
added to showpost
Better integration with Post Thanks Hack.
Version 3.0 (04/06/07):
Totally re-wrote hack to have all the features Post Thank You Hack has. Please redo all template edits.
Version 3.1 (05/14/07):
No more template edits You do not have to make any template edits to run this hack.
better cache of templates
vBulletin 3.6.6 and up is needed to run this version
Fixed extra queries from running if you had no thanks on a page.
Fixed deleting all of a users thanks.
A few more tweaks here and there.
Version 3.2 (05/21/07):
Fixed a template caching bug.
Fixed an error that would come up if you did not have Post Thanks installed. Even if you do, there was a big bug in checking if a user gave a groan or not.
No file edits. Just upload the product XML.
Version 3.3 (07/30/07):
Moved post thanks stats in postbit from hook postbit_userinfo_right to hook postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts. (for vb 3.6.8 and <3.6.6)
Released for all versions of vb 3.6.x
Please post your comments or suggestions for this hack. I read ALL posts.
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK INSTALL! You will get an email when a new version is released.
Showing the 'groan' button and stats in Postbit
Showing post after 'groan' (user view)
Showing post after 'groan' with legacy posts (admin view)
Please find in the upload a custom version of the groan hack for 3.6.8
We have not changed any code whatsoever in terms of functionality, only name changes and image changes.
We take no credit whatsoever for ABES hacks, and have only uploaded this to prove we use ABE's hacks, and to share a different version, a version with which we use on our sites.
Spank You instructions and credits intact.
ADD: we use this on 3.7.2 , with no issues whatsoever
- It would be Nice if for a Future Update you can Add the Option (Yes/No) to Collapse the Posts that have been Groaned by X Number of Users, and only by Clicking an Expand Button the Post Could be Viewed by Users.
- I'd Also be nice that if an Admin or a Moderator Groans a Post, it'd be Automatically be Collapsed, no matter the number of Groans on that Post.
- Also would be Nice that a Message Appears on the Collapsed Posts that Says that "This Posts is Hidden (Collapsed) because Has Been Groaned Too Many Times (or by Too Many Users)"
By doing this, Bad (Groaned) Posts could not get the same Attention as Good Posts, and would be a Great Additional Functionality for this Excellent Mod.
For reporting Posts vBulletin already has the Option to Warn Moderatores and Admins, but to Hide Groaned Posts this Mod would be Great.
I Hope you can Add this Ideas to your Next Update.
^^ In addition to the Previous Ideas, I'd like to share one more:
- When integrated with the Post Thank You Hack, another Yes/No Option can be added so that if a Moderator or a Administrator Clicks on the Thank You Button of the Post Hidden by other Users, the Post can be Displayed; in the case one Moderator Says Yes and other Moderator Says No, I think the Post Should Stay Hidden, but if an Administrator Click on the Thank You Button, the Post Should Always be Displayed no matter if a Moderator Click Groan to it.
- Would be Great that in an Option in the Hack at the Admin Control Panel, the User can Specify some Code to Introduce (Image, Table, etc) or to introduce the Default Message when a Post is Hidden because of too many Groans (greater than the Maximum Specified to Hide Posts).
If you can do that and the other ideas I shared with you in my previous Post, and this don't Add too much Weight (Too many Queries) to the Load of Pages, this can be a Great Success.