could you please post here the right style to obtain your forum look?
Thanks in advance...
I don't know what happened to the theme in your case. I'm not sure you imported it correctly because it has some postbit tokens that are clearly not in the style.
Just installed this on my site and it looks great! One problem I'm encountering on my iPhone, and this happens when I visit your site as well, the jump to last post button isn't working correctly. It just takes me to the last page, but not down to an anchor for the last post itself. Any idea why this is happening?
In fact, the same thing is happening on Elforro's site with his style. It will jump me to the last page of a thread, but not down to the last post. If I test it on Firefox or IE it will work just fine and go down to the anchor, but on the iPhone it's not jumping down to the anchor like it should.
UPDATE: Ok, I figured out why this was happening. This javascript in headinclude causes iPhones to jump back up to the top of the screen. Commenting that out makes the anchors work correctly.
<script type="application/x-javascript">
if (!!navigator.userAgent.match(/.*Mobile.*Safari/))
addEventListener("load", function()
setTimeout(hideURLbar, 0);
}, false);
function hideURLbar()
window.scrollTo(0, 1);
Are you sure that's the issue? Deleting that code didn't solve the problem for me.
Edit: Figured it out. It's in the postbit template. I added the a name back in and it works now.
You would need to edit the plugins associated with the products (they will likely have a CYB prefix) you wish to disable in this style and add the if (STYLEID != xx){ line at the start of teh plugin, and a } at the end of the plugin.
why are the xml files set to pull images from the default location for statiusicons? that means you have to overwrite your normal template's icons to make this work? Most skins will put their files in the skin directory and then the xml file will tell the skin where to find the images..
just wondering because I uploaded this file and imported the xml and everything was good, then I noticed that my normal style was all jacked up due to having mixed icons from he iphone style.
Just installed this on my site and it looks great! One problem I'm encountering on my iPhone, and this happens when I visit your site as well, the jump to last post button isn't working correctly. It just takes me to the last page, but not down to an anchor for the last post itself. Any idea why this is happening?
<snip> UPDATE: Ok, I figured out why this was happening...
Thanks so much for asking and answering this, msu2k. This was bugging me too, I couldn't figure it out, and came here to try and ask the same question. Since scrolling long pages is a bit of a pain on the iPhone, it was keeping me from embracing/releasing this skin on my forum. Your fix changed that, and I appreciate it. :up:
Thank you for sharing the fixes, SemperFideles, and showing us your forum so we can see how it's supposed to look! I was going through this thread myself and adding in all the edits being mentioned -- at least, the ones I could figure out -- so your post saved me from hairpulling and spending a lot of time.
I do notice that on long threads, that go to a second page, that there's a redundant box at the top, that lists "Page x of x" twice. See it here:
I removed it by commenting out the first instance of this on the showthread template: