Version: 1.4, by majorxp
Developer Last Online: Dec 2012
Category: Integration with vBulletin -
Version: 3.6.5
Released: 03-18-2007
Last Update: 03-21-2007
Installs: 29
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Last Updated Wiki pages block
Version 1.4
This extension will list the last updated or new wiki entries.
It can be included as a vbAdvanced block or included wherever you desire. It was designed to be included in a vbAdvanced block for vBulletin. It also goes nicely with Nuhit's MediaWiki integration tool but is not required.
This is only supported on MediaWiki 1.8.2 - 1.10. It might run on a lower version, but it hasn't been tested. It has been reported 1.12 not to function. If you are interested in updating this to support additional versions as they are released let me know and you can be a co-developer on this.
This is only designed for boards with less than 50 wiki page edits per minute. If you have more, it almost becomes a useless mod (and puts a senseless burden on the server).
No warranty other than this file will take up a few kb on your hard drive.
Edit the setting where you want the created file (wikichanges.htm) placed
If you have a table prefix on your WIKI, then edit the sql to reflect your prefix
Place this file in the extensions directory in your wiki
add this line at the bottom of LocalSettings.php (before the "?>")
PHP Code:
// Add last updates require_once "$IP/extensions/makevbmodule.php";
Edit a wiki article
Browse to the file in your setting below to see if it worked
Add vbAdvanced block to include the file
Test links inside included page to ensure it works (you may have to edit depending upon your configuration)
Upgrade Instuctions
Backup your old version
Edit the current version's settings locally
Replace the old version with the updated version with your settings
Edit a wiki article (to generate a new wikichanges.htm file)
Support is limited to this forum and to those who click install (yes I can see who did). If you have any questions or find a bug, post it here. I spend time with my family on the weekends, so expect long waits then.
1.4 - Important bug fix. This fixes two issues:
Links to namespaces were not being included in links
Special or other undesirable pages being listed when updated
This version correctly generates links and will only show updated articles, user pages, images, and categories.
1.3 -Added namespace for User pages (thanks jimmcq)
1.2 - Removed some personal code references
1.1 - Update with table prefix setting (thanks jimmcq)
1.0 - Initial Release
You would have to edit the code of the mod to change the appearance.
In vbadvanced, you can include the output file.
Yeah, I tried that, figured it would be no big deal, I just add the html code to make it appear the way I wanted, but kept getting errors no matter what I did. Guess I need to brush up on coding, it didn't like a lot of the characters I was using. I'm sure I'll figure it out though given enough time. Thought maybe there might just be an easy fix somewhere. Thanks
No. I'm using this with Nuhit's MediaWiki integration too, and that hasn't been updated so I have to stay for support on 1.8 only. If someone wants to take this on to update it to support 1.12, I would be happy to help, but I cannot take on a new project at this time.