Version:, by StGaensler
Developer Last Online: Dec 2012
Category: BB Code Enhancements -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 02-13-2006
Last Update: 03-25-2008
Installs: 1199
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
BB Code [table]
by StGaensler
This Hack provides a BB code [table] to add a table to the post
The skin of the table automatically fits the style because the CSS classes of vBulletin are used.
A table is simply made of some lines (will be the rows). The cols are seperated by |. So this will be a table:
install attached product XML through product manager (overwrite existing)
install at least one language pack in AdminCP -> Languages & Phrases -> Download / Upload Languages -> Import Language XML File
Important: Select the language you want to import the phrases into, not "(Create New Language)" - this won't work! If you use another version of vBulletin than I use enable "Ignore Language Version" to import the language pack.
Please note: (installing)
Installing this product will: (reverted during uninstall)
rename a existing BB code "table" to "table_saved"
add a new BB code [table]
If you want to have live sortable columns (JavaScript): Download attached sorttable.js.txt rename it to sorttable.js and place it into the /clientscript/ folder of your vBulletin. Then go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> BB Code [table] Settings -> Enabled Features Of This BB Code and enable sortable
Note: Including the file on the webpages where it is necessary is done by my product. So if sortable is disabled, it won't be included automatically.
If you want to have a icon for the editor you may use this for free: Download this icon and place it in your /images/editor/ folder.
Please note: (usage)
Of course you can use vB Code and smilies inside the table!
The first line defines how much columns are in the table. If the other lines have more or less colums they are cut off or filled with (space)
live sorting of table through clicking the head of a column
defining maximum width of a table
Maybe planned features
detailed description of the vB Code in misc.php?do=bbcode depending on the features enabled in AdminCP (planned for next beta version)
define formatting (bold, italic), align (left, right, center) and width of the cols
Suggested but not planned features
Known problems
Bugfix of version 0.1.1 doesn't work if vBulletin should write template names into the source code
Version history:
0.0.1 - 0.0.5 internal releases for testing purposes (Thanks to Zombie79 from for testing)
0.1 first official release
0.1.1 fixed small bug: if a line ends with eg vbcode quote no new row was generated (should already have been fixed but did not work)
0.1.2 workaround: removed call to function bcmod(), it could also be done another way
0.1.3.x beta version described here (and following) - added admin panel, colpan and css feature
0.1.4 stable version - no significant changes to the last beta (
0.1.5.x beta version described here (and following) - added sortable, maxwidth, versioncheck, upgrade message, compatibility to vB 3.6
0.1.6 stable version - two bugfixes to last beta, {br} for posting linebreaks in a tablecell
0.1.7.x stable version - compatibility to vB 3.7 (description) - added tab seperated tables
This hack can be used for free. If you want to make a small donation, just contact me. We will find a way
I don't want this product to be distributed from other sources. Please don't upload it to other vBulletin related boards etc.
StGaensler, when will you make an update with the possibility to change column widths? There is a strong necessity in it. Your mod is really great, but some essential features lack.
StGaensler, when will you make an update with the possibility to change column widths? There is a strong necessity in it. Your mod is really great, but some essential features lack.
I currently can't promise when this feature will come.
Oh thanks... That worked some time earlier If you remove the autonum it's all right. The reason: Internally I have to keep track how much cols I have - something seems to be wrong there.
Originally Posted by Kagemaru
Also, alignment bbcodes need an extra newline to work correctly (or they get moved into the next row's first cell.) like so: [...]
Thats known Try it again without letting vBulletin write the template names into the HTML source - this worked some time ago. The problem is: vBulletin removes a <br /> after a </div> so I can't say if there was a newline or not... If I find some more time, I will have a closer look at this.
There is an optional additional argument to fetch_template() that suppresses the HTML comments if they are enabled. Just look at the fetch_template() function again.
I know this because the comments were breaking some all-JS templates I had.
Hi all...I just wanted to say thank you for this share. I am attaching a screenie to show how i used the table bb code...Works very well for me...Again, thank you. Be well - Lady Divus
Hi all...I just wanted to say thank you for this share.
Thanks, too!
Originally Posted by stephansvl
table.gif is uplaoded in images/editor but it doesn't appear. What am I doing wrong?
Empty your browsercache and try again. If that doesn't help, than look if the image is on the right place and the path to the image in AdminCP corresponds to the real image path.