worked great, but WoWhead JS script you have to add to headinclude in all styles you use was causing login error. After login you would get a blank screen untill you opened up same page in browser again. Been looking for a fix, but after some checking its the js script thats causing the login blank screen.
what ?
your post makes absolutly no sense at all.
You should not have to edit any files, templates, anything, to use this product. you do not need to upload any files or change any configuration settings if you do not want to, its totally plug and play.
Yep, your right. I thought you had to do the WoWhead steps from there "vB how to" forum post, then instal your plugin. I was adding the Wowhead script to my styles headinclude, hence having the problem. After I reverted back to my orginal styles and just used your plugin, it works great.
I feel so cheap and used! I will go stand in corner now and review how read install instructions correctly!
I'm having some pretty bad performance problems since upgrading to the 3.7 version of this plugin. From looking at the SQL error messages as pages time out, it appears as if the caching isn't working or something.
'<table><tr><td><b class=\"q5\">Warglaive of Azzinoth</b><br />Binds when picked up<br />Unique<table width=\"100\%\"><tr><td>Main Hand</td><th>Sword</th></tr></table><table width=\"100\%\"><tr><td>214 - 398 Damage</td><th>Speed 2.80</th></tr></table>(109.3 damage per second)<br />+22 Agility<br />+29 Stamina<!--e--><br />Durability 125 / 125<br />Classes: Warrior, Rogue<br />Requires Level 70</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class=\"q2\">Equip: Improves hit rating by 21 <small>(1.33\% @ L70)</small>.</span><br /><span class=\"q2\">Equip: Increases attack power by 44.</span><br /><br /><span class=\"q\">The Twin Blades of Azzinoth (0/2)</span><div class=\"q0 indent\"><span><!--si32838-->Warglaive of Azzinoth</span><br /><span><!--si32837-->Warglaive of Azzinoth</span></div><br /><span class=\"q0\"><span>(2) Set: Your melee attacks have a chance to increase your haste rating by 450 for 10 sec.</span><br /><span>(2) Set: Increases attack power by 200 when fighting Demons.</span></span></td></tr></table>' );;
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
The thing is, that particular item is definitely in the database (there's a link on the front page, and I've manually inspected the table to confirm), so I'm not sure why the plugin is trying to insert the data again.
Has anyone else experienced this? I've uninstalled and re-downloaded/reinstalled the plugin several times now, to no avail. Our website is here, for reference:
Sweede, just for clarification, is this mod supposed to run a query every time a page with these items on loads? Or is it supposed to be a one time query to populate a database table?
I only ask because I notice a significant delay when viewing one particular thread on my Guild forum where we list all the rare crafts our members have. The page can take up to a minute to load with 120+ queries being made. This happens every time the page is loaded.
Query database for existing Item name or Item ID (depending on the bbcode tag, i.e.: [item]Some Item[/item] will search by item name, [item=1234]Some Item[/item] will search by number.
If item is found
Return proper HTML replacement code
If item NOT found in database
process XML and save quality information, complete Item name, raw XML data and item id.
Returns proper HTML replacement code
It does this for each item in the database. The only time you *should* have any "lag" in page view is when the post is first made and it has to query each item.
Of course, your posts should also be cached as already parsed templates, which the bbcode replacement wouldnt be done.
Okay, well I just did a test. I emptied the itemstat_cache table and loaded the page again. The first time it took (understandably) a very long time to load, finishing with the following stats:
Page generated in 60.50909 seconds with 282 queries
Then I reloaded the page. It was quicker, but it still took a considerably longer amount of time with a lot of queries:
Page generated in 14.04858 seconds with 130 queries
Unless you're using ipowerweb (a friend of mine runs a guild site on this host and its horrible), that does seem a little long.
Is this a vbulletin thread/post or other ?
I wonder if there is a way i can code around this though...
If the page is a normal vbb post, the post is usually cached already processed. If the page isn't though, there is no caching done (for example, a custom vba bbcode page).