I just took a walk down memory lane, myself and I stumbled upon some old software. Pretty cool how that years go by and the technology that used to be good now is not even used anymore.
I just took a walk down memory lane, myself and I stumbled upon some old software. Pretty cool how that years go by and the technology that used to be good now is not even used anymore.
I found some of your old code on one of my HDDs the other day. I won't go into details but it was something you were working on for vB.org that never got finished...I also still have the code for that "tracking" system.
I found a bunch of other stuff too...the "good stuff" are the irc logs from years ago from all the private channels the staff members hung out in (and all private chats people had with me of course).
vBulletin Templates vB3 template backup (I'm not sure why I have this tbh, I don't remember doing it or brad giving it to me).
I think I gave you a copy for local testing...been so long I can't remember.
I found some of your old code on one of my HDDs the other day. I won't go into details but it was something you were working on for vB.org that never got finished...I also still have the code for that "tracking" system.
That was a GREAT idea. I never had the code, but I managed to figure out how to do it