I am making a Guild Bank system and right now I'm trying get the data I have stored in a database and display a report. I'm having trouble with using eval() to push out information to a template. Only it's a template within a template
whitin a template. Basically this is what I have for templates:
Now I'm using gb_tranman_historyshell to call gb_tranman_historybits to call gb_tranman_resourcebits.
My code looks like this:
PHP Code:
if ($_GET['userid'] != NULL) {
$uid = $_REQUEST['userid'];
$uid = intval($uid);
$q = $db->query_read("SELECT user.userid, user.username, resourcetransactions.*
FROM user
LEFT JOIN resourcetransactions ON resourcetransactions.userid = $uid
WHERE user.userid = $uid");
$q2 = $db->query_read("SELECT username from user where userid = $uid");
$q4 = $db->query_read("SELECT transactionid FROM resourcetransactions WHERE userid = $uid");
//Historybits For Member
while($historybits = $db->fetch_array($q)){
$trans = $historybits[transactionid];
$trans = intval($trans);
$q3 = $db->query_read("SELECT, resctotrans.qty
FROM resources
LEFT JOIN resctotrans ON resctotrans.transactionid = $trans
WHERE resources.resourcesid = resctotrans.resourceid");
//Resourcebits For Member
while($resource = $db->fetch_array($q3)){
eval('$resourcebits .= "' . fetch_template('gb_tranman_resourcebits') . '";');
eval('$history .= "' . fetch_template('gb_tranman_historybits') . '";');
//History Shell
$user = $db->fetch_array($q2);
eval('$historyshell = "' . fetch_template('gb_tranman_historyshell') . '";');
gb_tranman_historyshell looks like this:
PHP Code:
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="50%" align="center">
<td valign="top" colspan="2" class="alt1"><div align="center">Transaction History for $user[username]</div></td>
gb_tranman_historybits looks like this:
PHP Code:
<td class="alt1">
Date: $historybits[date]
<td class="alt1">
<td class="alt1">
gb_tranman_resourcebits looks like this:
PHP Code:
$resource[name] x $resource[qty] <br />
When I pass it the userid of a member it should get each transaction that member has had. And within each transaction it should show what resources & how many each transaction had. I'm guessing that I'm completely wrong here and the code is much easier.
Any suggestions?
--------------- Added [DATE]1213261820[/DATE] at [TIME]1213261820[/TIME] ---------------
Okay, I found a solution. I dropped the 3rd template (gb_tranman_resourcebits) and added replaced this code:
PHP Code:
while($resource = $db->fetch_array($q3)){
eval('$resourcebits .= "' . fetch_template('gb_tranman_resourcebits') . '";');
With this:
PHP Code:
$resbits = '';
while($resourcebits = $db->fetch_array($q3)){
$resbits .= "$resourcebits[name] x $resourcebits[qty]<br />";
And just added the variable $resbits in my gb_tranman_historybits. It works now
I would however like to see how else I could code this as I'm sure it's probably not correct heh.