Version: 1.1.7, by FractalizeR
Developer Last Online: Nov 2014
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.7.0
Released: 06-08-2008
Last Update: 07-23-2008
Installs: 833
Uses Plugins
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
What does it do?
Checks for username validity as you type it in registration form
Checks for email validity as you type it in registration form
Checks for password validity as you type it in registration form
Suggests good passwords
Shows strength of your password as you type it in registration form
Points of interest:
No template or code changes. All is done using VBulletin Product API.
Only several custom phrase is used. All others are taken from VBulletin. So, product localization is VERY easy.
All validity checks are implemented using VBulletin API
How to install?
Unpack archive into forum root
Install *.xml file via Admin Control Panel (Product management)
What is NOT done:
No checks implemented for entering captchas as it may seriously lower forum anti-spam security
How to update to latest version?
Overwrite all files by new ones from latest zip and reimport product XML file via Admin Control Panel with "Allow Overwrite" option checked.
Version history:
1.1.7 (24-07-08)
Situation where password = login is now classified as error. New string added for this case (localizers, note).
1.1.6 (22-07-08)
Minified version of ajaxreg.js included in the pack. 1Kb savings :)
1.1.5 (01-07-08)
Fix for checking usernames, containing space character (only fractalizer_ajaxreg_ajax.php file is changed since 1.1.4)
1.1.4 (17-06-08)
Small fix to a bug with username checking on some forums.
1.1.3 (16-06-08)
A fix provided to prevent some browsers from refreshing page after clicking on Password Suggestor button
1.1.2 (16-06-08)
Another attempt to fix checking usernames containing non-latin chars. Should work this time ;)
Icons rearranged to prevent problems with custom styles
1.1.1 (11-06-08)
Template issue fixed (password suggestor is now correctly shown) (skariko)
1.1 (11-06-08)
New feature - password suggestor. New phrases were added for it also to product XML.
New images for password strength added to distro for easy customization.
Functionality of password strength calculation fixed (, Arbit3r)
What exactly do you suggest? What is "good" username?
Should have been more clear, when a new user enters a name, if it is not taken, show a check mark or something, I like the green border, but users are more drawn to check marks.
BTW, this hack is awesome!, and I will continue to use it.
so we need to replace only the files and overwrite the product? or delete/unistall?
If you had 1.1 installed, then it is enough to reimport XML only. If 1.0.x - replace all files and reimport XML. No need to delete/uninstall. Just overwrite.
Originally Posted by Seb@
not work for me don't check the user
What exactly the problem is? Could you please describe more detailed?
There is a file that is no longer being used from the previous install (fractalizer_ajaxreg.php) I removed the file, uninstalled and re-installed. Works perfectly. Thank you!
Also suggestion...
1. Suggested passwords should include option to include symbols to make them stronger.
2. Password suggestion window should have a "close" link/button.
Iconv-Extension (version 2.3.6) for PHP is installed on my machine but support for non-latin characters does not work at all. Had to uninstall this extension because of this issue today
Iconv-Extension (version 2.3.6) for PHP is installed on my machine but support for non-latin characters does not work at all. Had to uninstall this extension because of this issue today
What exactly happens on your forums when you enter non-latin symbols as username? What encoding does your forum display it's pages in? UTF-8?