Version: , by Nebula
Developer Last Online: Dec 2009
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 06-22-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 143
No support by the author.
UPDATE: Please make sure to read the last posts. The beginning of the thread is kinda old, so please don't think this is how it works. Read the last posts.
Hello. This is my first time posting here, so I hope I make a good first impression
Anyways...I just finished my phpBB 1.4.0 Convertor Utility, allthough I don't have an actual phpBB 1.4.0 DB to test it on. All I did was use a DB with 2 forums, one topic, and one post . Anyways, if you have phpBB 1.4.0, or any other kind of phpBB (Convert it to 1.4.0, of course ), please please help me test this.
If you find an error or some way of crashing or messing up the process, please tell me what happened. Also, if you could send me a copy of the database you are using, that would be greatly appreciated. Please don't think I'll steal your PWs, because they are MD5 encoded.
Known Bugs:
Does not make private forums private while converting
When it is converting, all the user passwords are changed to a different md5-encoded string. I plan to change this later.
I know it isn't very user friendly. Also, please don't take any part of this code without my permission. I worked really hard on it. Thanks a bunch.
Please post anything you have to say about this below.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Hi Nebula
Your last release posted today is near perfect !!
All posts have a good name for the messsage now
But i found 2 big bug
- In the main page of VB of my imported phpBB, where i can see all the forums and categorys, the number in the column posts and threads have the same value in every forum (raw). The number of threads is OK, and of course, the number of posts is NOT OK. And the value of the Last Post is always set to Never...
See my exemple:
Admin et mod?rateurs|Rien que pour eux !...|19|19|Never|Root, upag38
- When i open a forum, the names and numbers of threads is OK, but the Thread Starter name is NOT OK. If i open a thread, i read the contents of an another thread...with the good poster name. I saw the VB table Thread, and i observe than between title and postusername you have an offset of 1 again...see the begining of the table thread for my exemple:
In reality (in phpBB forum), we have:
The line 1 is OK;
The line 2 is not posted by Root, but by neodidier...
The line 3 is not posted by neodidier, but by upag38...
And so on...
Some litle bug not very criticals:
- I have in my phpBB an Administrator access only forum, and when i make importation, everybody can access to this forum...
- In privates messages, i see my receives messages, it is OK, but in sending message, i have always the value 0...and it is not the true;
- Categories are not imported at all...
- An suggestion: Add in your 1st line of your code the number for the release like this:
// phpBB 1.4.0 (V1.6) - by Nebula (
Well, I hope that my post can help you to produce the final version of phpBB_Import, you are so near to the true
Very good work
Hey. Thanks much for all your help JYR. I will work on this tomorrow. I'll fix just about everything here, because I see what's wrong. I'll give a new version tomorrow.
The problem with the thread and post counters being the same on the main page is not a bug. Did you remember to update counters?? That's the only thing I can think of.
Thread Starter Name: FIXED! Thanks, I can't believe I missed that :P
Admin forums - I'm working on it. I've been pulling my hair out for the last hour. If anyone looks into my code and sees anything wrong with this part, please tell me. That way, I won't go completely bald
Private Messages - I don't really know what you are talking about
Categories - They aren't supposed to be imported. It gets way too confusing doing that. Maybe I'll work on it once everything else is done
phpBBconv Version Identifier - Might confuse some users. If I do use that, I'll move it away from the phpBB Version number, or make it clear that this number means nothing to phpBB
Originally posted by Nebula [*]Categories - They aren't supposed to be imported. It gets way too confusing doing that. Maybe I'll work on it once everything else is done
It isn't that hard to do categories... put them in as forums, store the new forumid in an array, and use that to find the parentID.
I really would like to try your hack, but is there a way to connect to phpBB database with same username as databasename ?
I tried to change all $iuser to $idbname but that doesnt works ;-\
Between, many thanx for that addon Nebula, i was just waiting something like that to buy vbulletin ;-)
First of all isn't really a hack. I just put it in this forum, because I wasn't sure where to put it.
Also, I'm not sure what you mean about usernames and databases. Currently, the phpBB Database and the vBulletin database must belong to the same username. Otherwise, it doesn't work. I may change this later, but it would probably go just put them with the same username
Private Messages - I don't really know what you are talking about
I want to say that in my phpBB forum, I have send and receive a lot of privates messages. And after the import in VB, i see only my receive message with a certainly good number of mes, but the number of sending mes is zero and of course i can't see my sending messages
I really would like to try your hack, but is there a way to connect to phpBB database with same username as databasename ?
I have the same problem, because with free servers you have "always" only one database. If you want to import from phpBB to VB with only one db, you stop the phpBB forum, you rename the table ACCESS and SESSION with anything like *OLD, and you can start a new installation of VB (admin/install.php) with fresh tables and after, run the importation from phpBB.