Version: 2.1.1b, by phlogiston
Developer Last Online: Dec 2009
Category: Profile Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 10-21-2007
Last Update: 10-24-2007
Installs: 90
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This mod will add a couple of extra reputation features & options to your forums, including:
A Reputation Archive of all old comments & ratings given and received.
Showing the most recent reputation given in UserCP.
Filter reputation to show only positive, negative or balanced.
Filter reputation to show a specific user only.
Browse other users reputation (suggest Moderators only!)
Edit/Delete Reputation Comments. (With optional time limit.)
All options are controlled on/off via usergroup permissions.
Admincp options include setting a time limit for editing reputation as well as globally enabling/disabling the extra features.
Links to the Reputation Archives will be shown in your main UserCP page (in the header of the reputation areas - see screenshots) via automatic template edits or you may wish to manually add a link to the new file elsewhere by linking to www.your.domain/forum/repextras.php.
Install Instructions:
Download & unpack the .zip file; upload the files in the 'upload' folder to your forum directory; import the product-spoilt_repextras.xml file via your admincp product manager. You'll then need to edit admincp options and usergroup permissions to allow access to the new features
Thanks to dutchbb for his continued interest spurring me to release an updated version of a very old mod. Special Thanks to Dogtanian for keeping me amused during the re-coding due to using a test rep comment of "one for all and all for one"!
Changelog: v2.2
* Fixed sessionid variable typo.
* Added missing phrase 'view_archive'.
* Cached rep given template for usercp.
* New archive page length option.
* admincp on/off for rep editing.
* "Guess reppower" feature for editing older comments.
* "Anonymise" option for archived reputations.
* More thorough on/off permissions checking.
* Fixed miscount of total reps related to ignorelist.
* First public release.
* Stripped to rep archives, rep given & rep editting.
Similar Mods:
The Reputation Given in UserCP feature can also be found in Paul M's mod at which may well be a better choice if the extra features here are unwanted.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I'm getting a message that I don't have permission to view the archives. I have all the rep permissions set to "yes" and everything else seems to be fine. I didn't notice anything in admincp options and usergroup permissions that needed adjusting either.
[EDIT] This wasn't showing up on the admincp index page: Help SpoiltCat Reputation Extras Permissions
On my board, anonymous rep is not turned on, and so members want to see who gave them the old rep comments in their archive. I tried setting a much older date for the start of 'anonymous' rep, like back when my board started - it started in April 2001 so I set the date to May 2001 - but it does not 'stick' - i hit save, and each time it clears it out of the options area in the admincp editing area.
How can I make it so that my users CAN see the names of who gave them all reputation?
Just a reminder, but its always worth checking when an author/coder was last online, in this case that was Dec 2007.
Ay caramba! Where's my time machine so I can go back to December and ask before he bails?? (looks around for the timeline platform)
Paul, you could just assimilate this into your mods then, right? I KNOW you are sitting around without much to do - borgify his code, since he stole yours to begin with