Version: 1.0.8, by Analogpoint
Developer Last Online: Dec 2007
Category: End-User Options -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 09-07-2007
Last Update: 10-12-2007
Installs: 193
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
Navbar Forumjump
This mod adds a popup menu to the navbar with quick links to all your forums.
If you like this, you can show your support by Rating it, Marking it as installed, Nominating for MOTM, and/or Donating to the author. Thanks, you rock.
Why would you want to install this?
Increases usability for your members.
Decreases server resources/usage.
How does this increase usability?
In forums I often find myself clicking on the "forum home" link to see the list of forums and then choose one to visit. With this mod, you simply click the "Forum Jump" menu, and down drops a dynamic menu with all your forums (represented in correct hierarchy of parents/children, and organized by category). The user can more easily visualize the structure of your forums, and can get to where they want to go quicker. And this is a lot prettier and better placed than the forum jump at the bottom of the pages.
How does this reduce server resources?
With this mod installed, the users will go directly to the next forum they want to visit without first going to the forum home. This saves the HTTP requests associated with a pageload, as well as the database queries required to generate the page.
All Features.
Installation is a snap, just import the XML file
The popup menu looks identical to the other built-in vB popup menus.
Automatically generates the menu, if you add or remove forums, that's automatically reflected in the menu.
The menu can optionally display a small icon that links to the last post next to the forum name.
Respects forum permissions, hidden forums, etc. If the user is not permitted to view the forum, it won't show up, just like on the forum home page.
No template edits needed.
Admin control panel that explains everything, and offers many configuration options:
Enable / disable the mod
Show menu to everyone or only to logged-in members.
Optionally specify forums to exclude from the menu.
Choose to display the forumjump popup on the left or the right side of the navbar.
Choose to display the menu as one column, or separate each category (with its sub-forums) into its own column. You may also specify how many categories to display per column.
You define the characters to prepend to the forum titles to show the indented hierarchy of forums
Options to configure CSS styles and sizes for the menu. This allows you to shrink the menu if you have many forums by reducing the font size and the cell padding in the menu.
You may optionally style the currently selected forum differently than the rest (with CSS).
The mod is fully phrased, including the ACP options and descriptions.
Changes it makes
Adds one plugin and a control panel options section (and its associated phrases). The menu is attached to the navbar using a template hook.
Download and uncompress the zip file.
Import the XML product file in the Admin Control panel.
Visit the Options page and see if you want to change any of the default settings. (If you're using less than vB 3.6.8 you'll need to visit the options and see how to manually insert the menu into your templates.)
Version 1.0.8 Bug fix (Oct. 13, 2007)
Fixed bug when using the forumjump with vBa. (See post #145)
Version 1.0.7 Bug fixes and workarounds (Sept. 18, 2007)
Integrated fix for Smoothie's problems (Post #76 and on)
Fixed display bug from post #101
Workaround for logging out display problem (post #104)
Completely separated the auto-insert code from the manual template inserting.
Version 1.0.6 New Features (Sept. 17, 2007)
Workaround for menu display problem in Opera
New option to add a relative URL to prepend to links (helps when using vBa)
New option to not auto-display menu via template hooks. Provides better compatibility for vB < 3.6.8 and when not displaying menu in the navbar template.
Version 1.0.5 Internal Development - Not released
Version 1.0.4 New features (Sept. 12, 2007)
Added optional link (icon) to the latest post in each forum
Added admin options panel help system.
Added compatibility with vB 3.6.0 to 3.6.8
Version 1.0.3 New features (Sept. 11, 2007)
All error messages output as HTML comments (better end user experience)
You may now specify how many categories are displayed per column
Version 1.0.2 Bug fix (Sept. 10, 2007)
Fixed bug introduced in Version 1.0.1
Added more error checking
Added useful error messages for debugging.
Version 1.0.1 Bug Fixes and Enhancements (Sept. 10, 2007)
Fixed a bug when URLs have session IDs in them.
Added Option to disable the menu for non-logged-in visitors
Added Option to exclude forums last after a long wait here...just found myself the solutions how to removed that dropdown arrow on this mod...interested? ...just ask and pm me...anytime...
I tried to test it with vb3.7 beta 6 to see if it would work. Doesn't work. Says not compatible with my version.
Can you please list instructions on how to do the edits myself instead of using the product provided? It would be much appreciated. My template is already heavily modified and I don't mind doing template edits, etc.
I tried to test it with vb3.7 beta 6 to see if it would work. Doesn't work. Says not compatible with my version.
Can you please list instructions on how to do the edits myself instead of using the product provided? It would be much appreciated. My template is already heavily modified and I don't mind doing template edits, etc.
I have it on 3.7 RC3 my forum and it works fine.... and i didnt have to modify anything.
I had it on my board when it was 3.6.8, then i upgraded to 3.7 and it didnt show, so i went to plugins and disabled it, then i turned it back on and it showed up.
Now i just have to figure out how to make it look like the rest of my navbar.
If you want to put the menu in the navbar without using the template hooks, just do this:
<td class="vbmenu_control">$forumjumpmenu</td>
then at the bottom of the template put this:
I am using the Top NavBar With Drop Down Menus modification and want to add this to my top navbar. Problem is when I do the edits that are suggested the forum jump menu is not showing up for me. Any suggestions?
I am using the Top NavBar With Drop Down Menus modification and want to add this to my top navbar. Problem is when I do the edits that are suggested the forum jump menu is not showing up for me. Any suggestions?