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gWoWEvents - World of Warcraft Event Signup Details »»
gWoWEvents - World of Warcraft Event Signup
Version: 1.0.10, by Gryphon Gryphon is offline
Developer Last Online: Sep 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 3.8.2 Rating:
Released: 02-14-2008 Last Update: 01-31-2010 Installs: 139
Supported DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Additional Files  

What is it?
[hr]-[/hr]gWoWEvents is a modification for vBulletin which allows you to add World of Warcraft event sign ups to your forum calendar.

If you use this mod, please Mark as Installed, and if you really enjoy this mod, please Nominate for MOTM, and if you really really enjoy this mod, feel free to Support Developer! Thank you!

[hr]value[/hr]I use my released mods daily, if I find an issue with them or add features for myself I will release updates. If there are significant bugs or simple feature requests I will do my best to release fixes. Some of my mods rely on fetching data from 3rd party websites, due to the unreliable results, my mods will require users to troubleshoot for themselves if they find the addon is not working for them specifically. I am offering my personal mods that work ok for me for you to use, I am sorry I do not have time to troubleshoot many user specific issues. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Allows your users to enter multiple servers and characters
  • Links to either US or EU WoW Armorys.
  • Links icons to wiki.
  • Choose calendar to use
  • Limit use by usergroup
  • Multiple server support
  • Shows extended character data, skills, talents.
  • Some features translated for French and German
  • Character data is fetched by cron so calendar doesn't suffer slowdown
  • Templated so you can direct links somewhere other than the Armory if you wish.
  • Unified profilefield compatible with gWoWRoster and gWoWChar

  1. Download the latest version and upload all files.
  2. Install the product.
  3. Create a Multiple-Line Text Box User Profile Field.
    • /admincp/?loc=profilefield.php%3Fdo%3Dadd
    • Multiple-Line Text Box
    • Continue
    • Title: World of Warcraft Characters
    • Description:
      Enter one character per line.<br /><br />Format: US/EU|Realm|Faction|Name<br /><br />Example: US|Mal'Ganis|Alliance|Gryphen
    • Default Value: Leave Blank
    • Max length of allowed user input: 1000
    • Field Length: 50
    • Text Area Height: 6
    • Field Editable by User: Yes
    • Other options are optional.
    • Save
    • Look and see what the field name is for World of Warcraft Characters, example field25.
  4. Fill in the gWoWEvents configuration options.
  5. That is all, instruct people to fill in their profile.

v1.0.10a - upload class_gwowarmory.php
  • Quick fix for Armory import.

v1.0.10 - upload cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php, class_gwowarmory.php, import product with overwrite
  • Quick fix for 3.1 armory changes.
  • Secondary skills disabled for now.

v1.0.9 - upload cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php, upload images, import product with overwrite
  • Death knight images, thanks SlompOchomp
  • Fix special characters in player names

v1.0.8 - import product with overwrite enabled
  • Fix spelling error
  • Fix for signup allowance periods

v1.0.7 - Upload functions_gwowevents.php, images, import product with overwrite enabled
  • Updated for WotLK

v1.0.5 - Import product with overwrite enabled.
  • Used phrases for more text
  • Added option to show who has viewed the event details.

v1.0.4 - Upload all files import product.
  • Added a 4th, "Yes Late", signup option
  • Comment minimum setting for Late and Maybe options

v1.0.3 - Import product.
  • Update for 3.7.0 Gold, thank you Kinneas

v1.0.2 - Upload all files import product.
  • Initial Release

[hr]-[/hr]gXboxLive, Copyright ? Ghryphen (https://github.com/ghryphen)
Please maintain copyrights in derivative works, thank you.

Download Now

File Type: zip gWoWEvents_v1.0.10a.zip (145.6 KB, 137 views)


File Type: jpg 2008-08-06_120748.jpg (157.4 KB, 0 views)

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 04-01-2008, 04:26 PM
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Kinneas Kinneas is offline
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Originally Posted by Eviserator View Post
If you are receiving the following error:

PHP Fatal error:

Cannot use string offset as an array in /XXX/XXX/XXX/forum/includes/cron/cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php on line 50

I have rewritten the CRON process and it is working fine for me now.

Try replacing ALL of the code in your cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php file with the following:

	// ########################################################################
	// gWoWEvents, Copyright ? 2006, Ryan Snook (www.gryphonllc.com )
	// If you have fixes, improvements or other additions to make to
	// gWoWEvents, please contact me at rsnook@gmail.com for collaboration.
	// I appreciate your kind consideration.
	// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
	// Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
	// To view a copy of this license, visit
	// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ or send a letter to
	// Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300,
	// San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
	// ########################### SVN info ###################################
	// $Id: cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php 830 2008-01-23 20:18:51Z gryphon $
	// $Rev: 830 $
	// $LastChangedBy: gryphon $
	// $Date: 2008-01-23 12:18:51 -0800 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) $

	// ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
	error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
	if (!is_object($vbulletin->db))
	// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
                // Following line provided by LostPhoenix  
	$res = $vbulletin->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents WHERE `armorydata` != '1' GROUP BY `realmchar` ORDER BY `armorydata` ASC");

	while ($char = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($res))
		$x = new gWoWArmory;

		$character['sheet'] = $x->FetchCharacterSheet();
		$character['skills'] = $x->FetchCharacterSkills();

		if ($character['characterInfo']['errCode'] != 'noCharacter')
                   $charinfo_query = "
                   `charurl` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['charUrl'] . "',
		   `level` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['level'] . "',
	   	   `title` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['prefix'] . "',
		   `faction` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['faction'] . "',
		   `factionid` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['factionId'] . "',
		   `gender` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['gender'] . "',
		   `genderid` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['genderId'] . "',
		   `race` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['race'] . "',
		   `raceid` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['raceId'] . "',
		   `class` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['class'] . "',
		   `classid` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['classId'] . "',
		   `talentspec` = '" . 
                     $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeOne'] . "," . 
                     $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeTwo'] . "," . 
                     $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeThree'] . "',
		   `talent1` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeOne'] . "',
		   `talent2` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeTwo'] . "',
		   `talent3` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeThree'] . 

		   `guild` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['guildName'] . "',
		   `guildurl` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['guildUrl'] . "',
		   `hp` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['characterBars']['health']['effective'] . "',
		   `mp` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['characterBars']['secondBar']['effective'] . "',
		   `str` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['strength']['effective'] . "',
		   `agi` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['agility']['effective'] . "',
		   `sta` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['stamina']['effective'] . "',
		   `int` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['intellect']['effective'] . "',
		   `spi` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['spirit']['effective'] . "',
		   `arm` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['armor']['effective'] 

. "',
		   `strbase` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['strength']['base'] . "',
		   `agibase` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['agility']['base'] . "',
		   `stabase` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['stamina']['base'] . "',
		   `intbase` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['intellect']['base'] . "',
		   `spibase` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['spirit']['base'] 

. "',
		   `armbase` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['armor']['base'] 

. "',
		   `prof1` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['professions']['skill']['0']['name'] . "',
		   `skill1` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['professions']['skill']['0']['value']['0'] . "',
		   `prof2` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['professions']['skill']['1']['name'] . "',
		   `skill2` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['professions']['skill']['1']['value']['0'] . "',
                   `cooking` = '" . 

$character['skills']['characterInfo']['skillTab']['skillCategory']['1']['skill']['0']['value']['0'] . "',
                   `firstaid` = '" . 

$character['skills']['characterInfo']['skillTab']['skillCategory']['1']['skill']['1']['value']['0'] . "',
                   `fishing` = '" . 

$character['skills']['characterInfo']['skillTab']['skillCategory']['1']['skill']['2']['value']['0'] . "',
                   `riding` = '" . 

$character['skills']['characterInfo']['skillTab']['skillCategory']['1']['skill']['3']['value']['0'] . "',
		   $char['realmchar'] = addslashes($char['realm'] . "." . $char['character']);
		   if ($character['sheet']['characterInfo'] && 

			$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET " . $charinfo_query . " 

`armorydata` = '1' WHERE `realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'");
			$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET `armorydata` = '2' WHERE 

`realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'");

		if (VB_AREA == 'AdminCP')
		    echo $char['character'] . '<pre>';
		    echo '<pre><hr />';
		$char_updated .= $char['character'] . ", ";
	echo $char_updated;
Can confirm that this also resolved the problem for me. Thanks
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Old 04-06-2008, 06:41 PM
3drage 3drage is offline
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Getting the following error when attempting to run the chron manually:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vbgwowevents SET 
				`charurl` = 'r=Silvermoon&n=Druidia',
				`level` = '60',
				`title` = '',
				`faction` = 'Horde',
				`factionid` = '1',
				`gender` = 'Male',
				`genderid` = '0',
				`race` = 'Tauren',
				`raceid` = '6',
				`class` = 'Druid',
				`classid` = '11',
				`talentspec` = '0,34,17',
				`talent1` = '0',
				`talent2` = '34',
				`talent3` = '17',
				`guild` = 'The Revenants',
				`guildurl` = 'r=Silvermoon&n=The+Revenants&p=1',
				`hp` = '4518',
				`mp` = '3589',
				`str` = '111',
				`agi` = '143',
				`sta` = '300',
				`int` = '175',
				`spi` = '166',
				`arm` = '2025',
				`strbase` = '72',
				`agibase` = '56',
				`stabase` = '74',
				`intbase` = '117',
				`spibase` = '115',
				`armbase` = '1521',
				`prof1` = 'Mining',
				`skill1` = '321',
				`prof2` = 'Skinning',
				`skill2` = '314',
				`cooking` = '42',
				`firstaid` = '322',
				`fishing` = '1',
				`riding` = '150',
			 `armorydata` = '1' WHERE `realmchar` = 'Silvermoon.Druidia';

MySQL Error  : Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Error Number : 2013
Date         : Sunday, April 6th 2008 @ 12:38:50 PM
Script       : http://www.deathwing-guild.com/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=runcron&cronid=19
Referrer     : http://www.deathwing-guild.com/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=modify
IP Address   :
Username     : Necronomicon
Classname    : vb_database
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Old 04-07-2008, 12:37 PM
Mother_Dee Mother_Dee is offline
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New error: Cannot use string offset as an array ... on line 116.

Originally Posted by Eviserator View Post
If you are receiving the following error:

PHP Fatal error:

Cannot use string offset as an array in /XXX/XXX/XXX/forum/includes/cron/cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php on line 50

I have rewritten the CRON process and it is working fine for me now.

Try replacing ALL of the code in your cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php file with the following:

	// ########################################################################
	// gWoWEvents, Copyright ? 2006, Ryan Snook (www.gryphonllc.com )
	// If you have fixes, improvements or other additions to make to
	// gWoWEvents, please contact me at rsnook@gmail.com for collaboration.
	// I appreciate your kind consideration.
	// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
	// Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
	// To view a copy of this license, visit
	// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ or send a letter to
	// Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300,
	// San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
	// ########################### SVN info ###################################
	// $Id: cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php 830 2008-01-23 20:18:51Z gryphon $
	// $Rev: 830 $
	// $LastChangedBy: gryphon $
	// $Date: 2008-01-23 12:18:51 -0800 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) $

	// ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
	error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
	if (!is_object($vbulletin->db))
	// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
                // Following line provided by LostPhoenix  
	$res = $vbulletin->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents WHERE `armorydata` != '1' GROUP BY `realmchar` ORDER BY `armorydata` ASC");

	while ($char = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($res))
		$x = new gWoWArmory;

		$character['sheet'] = $x->FetchCharacterSheet();
		$character['skills'] = $x->FetchCharacterSkills();

		if ($character['characterInfo']['errCode'] != 'noCharacter')
                   $charinfo_query = "
                   `charurl` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['charUrl'] . "',
		   `level` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['level'] . "',
	   	   `title` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['prefix'] . "',
		   `faction` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['faction'] . "',
		   `factionid` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['factionId'] . "',
		   `gender` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['gender'] . "',
		   `genderid` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['genderId'] . "',
		   `race` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['race'] . "',
		   `raceid` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['raceId'] . "',
		   `class` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['class'] . "',
		   `classid` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['classId'] . "',
		   `talentspec` = '" . 
                     $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeOne'] . "," . 
                     $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeTwo'] . "," . 
                     $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeThree'] . "',
		   `talent1` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeOne'] . "',
		   `talent2` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeTwo'] . "',
		   `talent3` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['talentSpec']['treeThree'] . 

		   `guild` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['guildName'] . "',
		   `guildurl` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['character']['guildUrl'] . "',
		   `hp` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['characterBars']['health']['effective'] . "',
		   `mp` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['characterBars']['secondBar']['effective'] . "',
		   `str` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['strength']['effective'] . "',
		   `agi` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['agility']['effective'] . "',
		   `sta` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['stamina']['effective'] . "',
		   `int` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['intellect']['effective'] . "',
		   `spi` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['spirit']['effective'] . "',
		   `arm` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['armor']['effective'] 

. "',
		   `strbase` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['strength']['base'] . "',
		   `agibase` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['agility']['base'] . "',
		   `stabase` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['stamina']['base'] . "',
		   `intbase` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['intellect']['base'] . "',
		   `spibase` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['spirit']['base'] 

. "',
		   `armbase` = '" . $character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['baseStats']['armor']['base'] 

. "',
		   `prof1` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['professions']['skill']['0']['name'] . "',
		   `skill1` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['professions']['skill']['0']['value']['0'] . "',
		   `prof2` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['professions']['skill']['1']['name'] . "',
		   `skill2` = '" . 

$character['sheet']['characterInfo']['characterTab']['professions']['skill']['1']['value']['0'] . "',
                   `cooking` = '" . 

$character['skills']['characterInfo']['skillTab']['skillCategory']['1']['skill']['0']['value']['0'] . "',
                   `firstaid` = '" . 

$character['skills']['characterInfo']['skillTab']['skillCategory']['1']['skill']['1']['value']['0'] . "',
                   `fishing` = '" . 

$character['skills']['characterInfo']['skillTab']['skillCategory']['1']['skill']['2']['value']['0'] . "',
                   `riding` = '" . 

$character['skills']['characterInfo']['skillTab']['skillCategory']['1']['skill']['3']['value']['0'] . "',
		   $char['realmchar'] = addslashes($char['realm'] . "." . $char['character']);
		   if ($character['sheet']['characterInfo'] && 

			$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET " . $charinfo_query . " 

`armorydata` = '1' WHERE `realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'");
			$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET `armorydata` = '2' WHERE 

`realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'");

		if (VB_AREA == 'AdminCP')
		    echo $char['character'] . '<pre>';
		    echo '<pre><hr />';
		$char_updated .= $char['character'] . ", ";
	echo $char_updated;
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Old 04-10-2008, 02:39 PM
atomhead atomhead is offline
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Getting "server has gone away messages", manual update does not work either, and my characters aren't updating in the event page.
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Old 04-10-2008, 03:27 PM
atomhead atomhead is offline
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Originally Posted by LostPhoenix View Post
Here is my hack for those of us who have hosts that don't like the cron. It's not perfect but it does work.

Find the following code in cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php
if ($character['characterInfo'] && $character['characterInfo']['characterTab']['characterBars']['health']['effective'])
	$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET " . $charinfo_query . " `armorydata` = '1' WHERE `realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'");
	$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET `armorydata` = '2' WHERE `realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'");
and change it to:
$dbhost = '';
$dbname = '';
$dbuser = '';
$dbpasswd = '';

if ($character['characterInfo'] && $character['characterInfo']['characterTab']['characterBars']['health']['effective'])
	//$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET " . $charinfo_query . " `armorydata` = '1' WHERE `realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'");
	@ $db2 = mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpasswd");
	mysql_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET " . $charinfo_query . " `armorydata` = '1' WHERE `realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'", $db2);
} else {
	//$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET `armorydata` = '2' WHERE `realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'");
	@ $db2 = mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpasswd");
	mysql_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "gwowevents SET `armorydata` = '2' WHERE `realmchar` = '" . $char['realmchar'] . "'", $db2);
Obviously you have to add your database info. Until I take the time to learn vbulletin and fix it properly lol.

This will put more stress on your SQL server as it opens and closes a connection each time it updates the user.
This fixed my armory updating problem (I also setup that other hack someone posted about grouping characters or something)
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Old 04-11-2008, 04:45 PM
atomhead atomhead is offline
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Does this work with the "new thread on event creation" mod? I'm going to test it later when I get time...
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Old 04-14-2008, 10:54 AM
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Caerydd Caerydd is offline
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Originally Posted by atomhead View Post
Does this work with the "new thread on event creation" mod? I'm going to test it later when I get time...
As yet this is supposedly not compatible with Event Forums.
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Old 04-14-2008, 04:23 PM
atomhead atomhead is offline
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I posted on the Event Forums thread asking if they could make it work with this mod. Currently after creating a raid vBEF makes the thread but I get amessage "not authorized to signup" even though permissions are set correctly. If anyone can help it would be appreciated.

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Old 04-14-2008, 04:24 PM
atomhead atomhead is offline
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Originally Posted by Caerydd View Post
As yet this is supposedly not compatible with Event Forums.
Ok, thanks. I posted my issue hopefully that helps and someone can look into it
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Old 04-28-2008, 12:21 PM
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Kinneas Kinneas is offline
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This stopped working for me after upgrading to RC4 due to the CSRF patches.

To fix it, edit the template "gwe_signup_form"

<form action="calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=$eventinfo[eventid]" method="post">
Below Add:
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
Should work again
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More Information
Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
  • (1)ad_footer_start
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  • (1)footer
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  • (1)header
  • (1)headinclude
  • (1)modsystem_post
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  • (4)navbar_link
  • (120)option
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  • (1)pagenav_pagelinkrel
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  • (1)spacer_open
  • (1)tagbit_wrapper 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • inlinemod
  • postbit
  • posting
  • reputationlevel
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./showthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php
  • ./includes/class_postbit.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_reputation.php
  • ./includes/functions_post_thanks.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_postinfo_query
  • fetch_postinfo
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • showthread_start
  • showthread_getinfo
  • forumjump
  • showthread_post_start
  • showthread_query_postids
  • showthread_query
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • showthread_postbit_create
  • postbit_factory
  • postbit_display_start
  • post_thanks_function_post_thanks_off_start
  • post_thanks_function_post_thanks_off_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_start
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_end
  • post_thanks_function_thanked_already_start
  • post_thanks_function_thanked_already_end
  • fetch_musername
  • postbit_imicons
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • postbit_attachment
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  • post_thanks_function_can_thank_this_post_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • tag_fetchbit_complete
  • forumrules
  • navbits
  • navbits_complete
  • showthread_complete