Realchat is the best as far as I am concerned. It is the most configurable chat room I have ever seen. And it is one of the few, if not the only one that doesn't make you download a java certificate to use.
vbXirc is really good.. I would let you see how I have it integrated, but you have to be a member! It does make you download a certificate, but it gets into a IRC chatroom.
I haven't played around with it much yet, but Flashchat seems pretty interesting, and it's only $5.
I have this installed on one of my forums, there are full intergration instructions, only takes a few mins to install and works great, and even better for me as I live in the UK so with the exchange rate it's only ?2.78
Very true. I wonder if anyone has used and chat programs with live voice and video intergrated into vB?
Hands down the best I've come across yet is at:
check out their community demo.
His pricing is really high though, now that the demand grew so much, but it does perfectly integrate with vb and all nuke platforms.
Realchat looks good... I'm using FlashChat right now but considering a change, primarily because FlashChat seems to slow my site down on busy days (With some events we get 50-100 in the chat room at a time).
Which chat would work better for large groups of chatters?