You will need BOTH installed on your forum already for this addon to work!
Costs per Play
Static or Raising Jackpot Type
Editable Jackpots
Jackpot Tax
Qualifying Rank Threshhold for Jackpot
Jackpot displayed along with score to beat
Individual Jackpot Intervals
Three Winnings Types
Divide by Rank
Multiply by Rank Points
Entire Jackpot
Edit Costs and Jackpots Even After Creation
Entrance Fee
Static or Raising Jackpot Type
Deducts Fees From Players and Adds to Raising Jackpots
Works Even When Added via ACP
Costs and Jackpots Listed Throughout Tournament Area
Winner Takes All After Taxes
Arcade Passes
Allow all Games to be Free to Play, but Unable to Win Jackpots
Option to Still Pay Cost to Try For Jackpot, With Alternative Link
Usergroup Price Configuration
Configurable Expiry Time, Editable in ACP User Editor
Order Games by Cost or Jackpot in Both ACP and Forum
Mass Configure Costs and Jackpots for Games
Transaction Log Entries When You Win
Works for Both Layout Styles
Set Usergroup Discounts
Charge For Arcade Access
Taxes Go Into Central Board Account
Overall Quality
Everything is Easily Disabled / Unlimited
Will Not Alter Environment for vB or Other Hacks
Fully Phrased
Obeys canspend and canearn
Complete Admin Help
Unique Plugin Optimization
Now, ibProArcade was originally meant for another points hack, which was pretty much hard coded into the script, and is still there. So, basically you have to remove all of that code and replace it with the new vBCredits code.
I have two options for you:
I have the set of ibProArcade files pre-edited for you (used with permission)
I have provided the instructions for editing your own arcade files (if you have other addons you dont want to undo by overwritting the originals)
In either case - you still have to follow all directions in the instructions! The above is only step #3!
Support for this addon will NOT be here, but instead at this thread:
I will post announcements and updates here though regarding it. There is also a v3 Arcade version with the same features.
(note: until vBCredits 1.4 final is available, the settings for this addon may appear in a "blank" settings group)
it will work with 1.4x, including b1, rc1, and rc2, however i do recommend upgrading to rc2 due to the pretty large bugs in rc1
also, the edited files are ONLY step 3 in the overall installation of this addon. you still have a file to upload, product to import, etc (follow the instructions!!)
I installed the mod and everything seems fine except my members can't start the new tournament any more. I don't know what went wrong but when my member click "start a new tournament", It goes to the "start a new tournament" oage but nothing shows up.
I used the link on Vbcredits site to download 1.4rc2 and installed in on my V3 Arcade running on 3.6.7. Everything seemed fine with no errors. I configured my usergroups and set costs on games.
BUT...when my members click on Arcade pass to buy...or click on a game which costs credits to play, they are denied with a screen saying "you do not have enough credits to play"...when actually they do.
I realise V3 Arcade and IBPro are 2 different arcades, but i followed instuctions on VBcredits site which was talking about V3 arcade.
I'ts NEARLY there i think ive just overlooked something. You mention Step 3 here on this site? What step 3...there was no 3rd step in the instuctions i downloaded. Also...when i installed the prouct...i clicked overwrite...should i have done this? Just looking for some advice on how to resolve...thanks.
umm, you really should have asked this on (if you did and i didnt get to your question yet, i apologize, but you should still have left your question there ). in the v3 thread is the instructions you are missing - you need to find and change the various appearances of "credits_canget" to "credits_canspend" throughout the files and plugins. the exact locations are listed in that thread.
I did post in VBcredits but i didnt know about the changes you mentioned. So i dont contaminate this thread further, can you give me the exact URL to the thread in VBCredits please? I'll probably require further support over there. Thanks.
it should already do that if you followed all of the instructions for installation. (sounds like you missing file upload, file edits, or product import)