Version: 2.0.4, by Bree
Developer Last Online: Dec 2012
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 3.7.x
Released: 03-11-2008
Last Update: 05-10-2008
Installs: 214
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
SmnLikQuick v2.0 adds an advanced announcement block (Title and Content) to your vBulletin powered pages that is easily managed via AdminCP. This new version (based on the AJAX Tabs Content Script (v 2.0) written by Dynamic Drive), utilizes Ajax to display multiple announcements in one container when the title (tab) is clicked on. It also has the ability (and utilizes this ability upon install) to rotate between tabs (announcements) in a "slideshow" type manner until a user explicitly clicks on a tab (see screenshots provided).
See Post #02 for log. See Post #98 for Upgrade Instructions. See Post #99 for Multiple Styles Fix
King Kovifor
(who added BB Code Parsing! Thanks so much King!)
Please Note that there is a new setting that allows Admins to choose whether to parse BB Code or HTML (not both). It is reccomended that you parse BB for security reasons, however the choice is yours.
SmnLikQuick Addons:
SmnLikQuick CMPS Module - This turns your SmnLikQuick v2.0.x Announcements Block into a CMPS Module. You MUST have BOTH SmnLikQuick v2.0 AND vBAdvanced CMPS installed. Demo:
Future Features:
Usergroup permissions per Announcement.
Slideshow timing controlled via AdminCP (Control Speed or Disable this feature)
Display certain Announcements to certain users via their UserCP
Upload the files within the UPLOAD folder (in this package) to the corrosponding forum directories on your server making sure to keep the filetree intact.
Import Product: SmnLikQuick.xml via AdminCP>Plugins & Products>Manage Products>Add/Import Product
(Optional) Edit includes/smnlikquick_css.css to match your style.
Add Announcements & Enable the SmnLikQuick Mod via AdminCP>SmnLikQuick
Don't forget to mark as installed! Support will be given in this thread. Comments appreciated and feature requests welcomed! Thank you and Enjoy! -Bree
just a question, i have arabic forum, and the writing is from left to right,
so how can i make it from right to left?
I am soo sorry but I am bit confused on this one... You want the tabs themselves to run from right to left... or the text.... I thought about this for quite a while and managed to only confuse myself... I was actually learning Arabic for quite a while but never mastered the writing... same words but I couldn't help but write them from left to right... hence why I didn't do so well LOL In the end, I could hold a convo outloud but on paper.. nothing LOL
Originally Posted by joeycano
How did you get an image into the announcement?
When adding a new announcement... HTML is allowed. So I simply linked to one of the graphics I already had on site (one of our smilies in that case)... I thought about adding a feature that would give the announcement their own graphic upload... like an icon where threads are concerned. I had originally decided against it because I wanted total control over the whole announcement (and where any graphics I added where)... But now I'm thinking it might be a good idea =0)
Originally Posted by OziloZ
What`s the problem?
This is the first time we've run into an installation problem to do with the install code... Let me look into it and I will get back to you.
I have an issue. When I select the "Manage Announcements" tab I only get the "Create New Announcement" box. I do not see the the top box in your screen shots where you see and edit posts.
I have an issue. When I select the "Manage Announcements" tab I only get the "Create New Announcement" box. I do not see the the top box in your screen shots where you see and edit posts.
Any suggestions???
The box only shows if you have active announcements. Had you already added announcements?
OziloZ, I haven't forgotten about you btw... Installing a vB 3.7 Beta 5 now so I can try to reproduce the issue... I haven't had this happen on any of my other installs
Yikes, that's not good =0( And so far I haven't been able to recreate this issue on any of my test sites.... Can you try something for me tho? I am attaching a .zip file... It's an altered AdminCP file... could you upload it (overwriting the old) and see if the announcements then appear? You are only overwriting the exsisting upload>forums>admicp>smnlikquick.php
I took out some if clauses (the code that hides that box unless there are active announcements) -- Just need to see if that part of the coding is the exact problem. I'm sorry about this and thank you for your patience!