Version: 1.6, by Dismounted
Developer Last Online: Apr 2023
Category: Show Thread Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 12-28-2006
Last Update: 07-08-2008
Installs: 134
DB Changes Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Guests First Post Only
This mod only shows the first post of a thread to guests. After it displays the first post, it then displays a message telling the guest to login or register.
All the installation information is in the package.
The ability to activate them didn't even show up in my admin panel I have read every post in this thread and it would seem to me that it has something to do with my template edit....but I am not sure what.
I guess its not about knowing how to turn screws but which screws to turn....I remain hopeful!
First off I appreciate your patience. Did I mention I am a bit of a tech-tard?
When you ask if I am using postbit or postbit_legacy, do you mean in my previous post or within vB for the modificiation
I edited both templates,postbit and postbit_legacy, in each style (dark and default), . Was that correct?
I will post the edited template again with the title...( I hope this is what you meant.)
Which one are you using on your board? Do your posts display with the username and information above the post or beside?
Originally Posted by Iron Guard
The ability to activate them didn't even show up in my admin panel I have read every post in this thread and it would seem to me that it has something to do with my template edit....but I am not sure what.
I guess its not about knowing how to turn screws but which screws to turn....I remain hopeful!
You need to activate the modification on a per forum basis through the Forum Manager.
As far as activation, I understand they are supposed to show up in the forum manager, however there is no panel in which to enable them.
I even did an uninstall, with a re-install and uploaded "bitfield_guests_first_post_only.xml" manually into /includes/xml/ folder, with no luck
So my question is, was it necessary to do the template edits in both postbit and postbit_legacy for both styles, or should I have chosen only one template in both styles.
As far as activation, I understand they are supposed to show up in the forum manager, however there is no panel in which to enable them.
What steps are you taking to try get to the setting?
Originally Posted by Iron Guard
So my question is, was it necessary to do the template edits in both postbit and postbit_legacy for both styles, or should I have chosen only one template in both styles.
It doesn't matter, but I'm just asking so I can concentrate on looking at one template, instead of scanning two.
Also, dismounted, is it possible to modify this so guests and non-subscribers can only see the first "x" characters of the first post? ... or even just the thread title?
WAIT ... can this be usergroup specified? I'd like only some to see just the thread title?
Also, what's your paypal email so I can donate to you.
What steps are you taking to try get to the setting?
ACP>Forums & Moderators>Forum Manager>Edit (in each of the forums I want to activate, but no setting in the edit portion).
That's probably why it's not working. I'm not sure why that happens, but it does sometimes. Try accessing this URL, replacing with your domain.
Also, dismounted, is it possible to modify this so guests and non-subscribers can only see the first "x" characters of the first post? ... or even just the thread title?
Can be modified to do so, but not planned at the moment.
Originally Posted by yinyang
can this be usergroup specified? I'd like only some to see just the thread title?
It is planned in the next version, but at the moment, it just restricts guests.
Originally Posted by yinyang
Also, what's your paypal email so I can donate to you.
See the donation link under my avatar in the modification post (first post).