Version: , by Christian
Developer Last Online: Feb 2002
Version: Unknown
Released: 05-08-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 22
No support by the author.
I could manage to implement the Messege Center from to vBulletin.
It doesn't work yet like the online indicators for Yahoo or ICQ, but that can perhaps be added by editing the VBS file.
Anyway, it offers the function to access your hotmail account, to create a new one, to download MSN Messenger, to start it and viewing the contacts in real time (without to have to refresh the page).
I'm currently writing the instructions how to install it!
But before I release it I need to know one thing:
If someone has the MSN Messenger NOT installed, please go to our site and tell me if there is a link shown where you can download it!
I don't want to uninstall it just to see if it works!
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Most time such errors are caused by using different script which call the same functions!
First of all look what scripts you have installed and then look for twice called functions!
Originally posted by Sarge i dont like how all the names are undereachother.
I had 12 people on the other day and that table was huge.
It would look more sweet if the names were next to eachother and wrapped.
Also if the login boxes were next to eachother also
I love this hack. We're in the middle of putting it on our new forum. I was just wondering, is there a simple way of making the usernames list after each other and wrap, or has anyone done this. It would be a massive help.
do you think that it is possible to include the "add buddy" feature to this hack?
just like when you get a email to your hotmail account, from let's say someone you don't know but who has Microsoft Passport. if you notice in viewing the email, it has a, "Add whoever@hotmail,com to your Contact List." by their name. I would think thank you would be able to grab that code as well somehow, and manipulate it so it could be place in the actual posts by your members, kinda like "Add to ICQ" etc...
You think you know how to do this? I believe in you!
Good job. Unfortunately I am not a programmer worth talking
about, but is it not possible to do the same as the others, indicating the status with MSN messenger per user per post?
This is not in any way a hint to change the code or develop a new hack. Just some ideas on how it could be done.
I have no idea as to the performance implecations of it all and any other aspects. As I said, I'm not a programmer.
If anyone does want to develop such a thing or Christian would
like to integrate it, I would be as happy as a pig in s**t
you already have the MSN Messenger center...
here you know if your buddies are online.
So it looks as if we have all the data we need.. this data I think can then be used for the whole thread (all posts in thread)
so some things to think about:
make a new user custom field eg: 'MSN access id'
some coding required
- if the 'MSN access id' is in the 'MSN Messenger center' then show the icon that represents the user (you have it already)
- else don't show a thing.
it should work integrated with the way it is currently done I think... $post[msnbit] ..