Version: 1.00, by Xipher
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 01-17-2008
Last Update: 01-18-2008
Installs: 50
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Since I have now moved away from PHP-Nuke completly, and am going to design for vBulletin, I decided to convert one of my nuke commercial products to vBulletin, and GIVE IT AWAY!
Thats right, "Spider-XV2" has been released for vb.
Here is what this FREE skin comes with:
- Matching categories images
- Matching Navigation bar
- Matching Link bar
- Custom coded postbits, with matching images as well
- Flash navigation, that can be easily edited from a simple XML file
- Blank Header image
- Various psds to custom the skin a bit.
Far as I know, skin should work with 3.7 without any problems as well. I had a few testers check it out, but myself has not personally tested it.
I'm testing this on my board and have one problem. In the postbit legacy view the box showing the users avatar looks great for people who have smaller avatars but staff with rank bars and such it's too wide and is throwing the blocks off. Is there a default setting to change it or would we have to change all ranks to a smaller size to keep the boxes together?
The reason it is like that, is because the block is coded and designed for a certain width. Avatar sizes that are 100 x 100 px should be fine. This is not a version issue, its just the block is only so wide. Now, you can strech the height of the block all you want, it was coded to expand in height. Sorry. =)
Yes, I do custom skins, but since I have released this skin into the vb world, I have gotten a LOT of requests for custom skins, and I am booked up for a few weeks, but if you dont mind to wait a few weeks, then I will add you to my list. =)
As I know squat about graphics, how would I add the name of my site to the header graphic?
And thank you very much for this incredible piece of work! You should do very well in your vBulletin venture.
There should be a folder named "sources" or "extras" or something along those lines. If you open it, you will find a blank image were your logo/name of your site goes. Simply edit that in photoshop, or any other graphics program. You can even use windows paint, but I do not recommend that lol.
If you need help, sign up on my site and post in the requests section. Let my staff members know that I sent you there, and they will take care of you.
ok i dont have a folder called forum so i uploaded in public_html , but the problem is that it shows the header twice , no sign for forums , they dont appear even i tried all stuff u mentioned in other posts so what should i do
again i uploaded in public_html and so the dir is public_html/skins
and i dont have a folder that vbulletin uploaded in