Version: 1.5, by nix
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: New Posting Features -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 06-23-2007
Last Update: 01-26-2008
Installs: 581
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Goldbrick Media system for vBulletin 3.6.x
Thanks to all who nominated or voted this for MOTM.
Some of you might be looking for Anymedia. Well this has replaced it. It's a total rewrite from the ground up. A huge thanks goes to Sir Adrian for creating the framework. He can't cook soup but he sure can code.
Why the name goldbrck?
From Wikipedia:
Goldbricking, in today's terms, generally refers to staff who use their work internet access for personal reasons while maintaining the appearance of working.
From Urban Dictionary:
Goldbricking: To loaf or goof around on the job. Supposedly an old union term describing laborers (or more specifically, bricklayers) who were going so slow, it was as if each brick were made of solid gold. One can alse be referred to as a "goldbricker".
Dude, I spent all day at work goldbricking - surfing the web, making long distance phone calls - basically just picking my ass.
Goldbrick uses the following third party Products:
Highslide Javascript. I've packaged it with the 3.1 download. Please read the license agreement on highlide's website. In short it's free for non-commercial use.
Goldbrick Version 1.5:
- Fixed Vbadvanced integration
- Fixed extensions permissions checking
- Added pickup of old [media] tags
- More code changes for later features
Goldbrick Version 1.4:
- Fixed Apple trailers
- Added Added Viemo videos
- More code changes for later features
Goldbrick Version 1.3:
- Fixed Images
- Fixed MP3's
- Fixed Myspace, now supports
- Added Increase or decrease video size for the classic player (testebr gets the credit for this one)
- Added Added ESPN videos
- Added Veoh video site.
Goldbrick Version 1.2:
- Added Videos for Profiles for vbulletin 3.7
- Added Classic Skin
- Added Vblog Support
- Added Vbadvanced Support
- Fixed Attachments
- Rewrote some of the code
Planned Features:
- Youtube like interface
- Video Comments
- Media Tags
- Media Searching
Please report any issues or suggestions.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
still the same after overwriting and upload? Im sure its something very simple. I did exactly as above mentioned, uploaded the .xml from computer into the import program section on admincp. I also put the .xml on the server does it need to be, and if so where (be specific please)?