Version: , by Nebula
Developer Last Online: Dec 2009
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 06-22-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 143
No support by the author.
UPDATE: Please make sure to read the last posts. The beginning of the thread is kinda old, so please don't think this is how it works. Read the last posts.
Hello. This is my first time posting here, so I hope I make a good first impression
Anyways...I just finished my phpBB 1.4.0 Convertor Utility, allthough I don't have an actual phpBB 1.4.0 DB to test it on. All I did was use a DB with 2 forums, one topic, and one post . Anyways, if you have phpBB 1.4.0, or any other kind of phpBB (Convert it to 1.4.0, of course ), please please help me test this.
If you find an error or some way of crashing or messing up the process, please tell me what happened. Also, if you could send me a copy of the database you are using, that would be greatly appreciated. Please don't think I'll steal your PWs, because they are MD5 encoded.
Known Bugs:
Does not make private forums private while converting
When it is converting, all the user passwords are changed to a different md5-encoded string. I plan to change this later.
I know it isn't very user friendly. Also, please don't take any part of this code without my permission. I worked really hard on it. Thanks a bunch.
Please post anything you have to say about this below.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Originally posted by Christoph I am considering moving from phpbb 1.4 to vBulletin. But I cannot purchase a license if I do not know for sure if the converter does a good job
What will be the impact for my user? Do they need to re-register? Will the converter take care of everything?
How far is the converter at this time?
It was "done", but Nebula's rewriting it to work better and use vB's built in bbimport system. It imports forums, users, and everything from phpBB.
Well...I...don't really know what to say Juan I never really thought of that. I don't have a PayPalID, but I can get one (assuming it is free (I think it is)). My cousin uses it, so I have heard about it.
Merging is coming along nicely. It will probably be out late Friday or Saturday.
Christoph: The convertor does what it does fine. Many people use/used it, and all said it worked fine (the new version ). It currently converts:
Forums & Categories
If you would like any more features to be imported, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me. I want this to be a good convertor.
JohnM: It is being made so that it workes with the vBulletin BBimport system. It was not earlier, because I never thought of doing it vB's way. I now realize that if I had used vB's format from the start (I could have, just never thought of ), it probably would have been done before now . vBulletin's way also makes it 50x easier to do merging.
Hopefully, that answers everyone's questions. It's late, and if I'm gonna get that importer done tomorrow, I gotta get my sleep
That sounds already that it converts all the basic things - I do not have a big forum yet and not really many hacks in it. So, I guess that would be just perfect at this point!
I appreciate your work and efforts! I am just starting with php a little bit and would be happy just doing some more stuff like what you do.
I'll make up my mind 'til Monday (do not have time until then) and then probably go for it!! How long takes the whole process to have the board up and running again?
I need an ikonboard converter but i forgot my costomer number/password and lost the data off my computer when i had to reformatt. So if anyone has an ikonboard convertor they can send me PLEASE help.
Crsitoph: The time it should take to complete the importer script should be around 1-10 minutes, depending on the size of your board, and the speedyness of your server
JohnM: I don't know either
Deltawolf: Sorry, but I can't help ya out there. Search this board, or search the web. I'll bet there's one out there somewhere.
Gotta get back to coding. Maybe not yet tho...I just got up
Don't wana put any more bugs in then there has to be
Hey. I'd say more, but I have to go real quick. I'll be camping tonight. This version is not quite complete. It does not convert options. It DOES however, use the BBimport system. It does merging.
Again, this is not complete. I just wanted to get it out and let the public see it. There is a ToDo list at the top of the file...that'll let you know what I'm planning...feel free to give me more stuff to do here
Installation Instructions:
Put it in your /importers directory in the vBulletin folder. You access it thorugh the control panel.
Again, please don't tell me it has bugs. It probably does...I haven't fully tested it, just wanted you guys to see it. Also, it DOES NOT convert options (BBtitle,hottopics,etc). I didn't have time. But this version is also much more user friendly It actually gathers user input!!
Anyways...lemme know what you think. I'll be back tomorrow.