By default none usergroup has permissions to use vbfclassifieds, so you need to give permissions to any group. Goto AdminCP->Usergroups->Usergroup Manager and edit any usergroup you like to give permissions.
If you've installed vbSEO, Login into vbSEO Control Panel, click "Custom Rewrite Rules", insert rewrite rules (attached in vbseo-rules.txt to not lose formatting) and save settings.
4.- Copyright
The script cannot be redistributed, reproduced, or published in any way. Modifying this
script and sharing or publishing your modification anywhere without the author's written permission is not allowed, but you can modify it as you want but just for your
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In addition to above restrictions you can't develop and share addons for 3nd party scripts (eg for vBadvanced).
Removal of our copyright link is strictly prohibited.
Also, I asked another admin of mine to post an item so we could do a dry walk through of the purchase process before going live. Sorry for being a pain but I have yet another question. A assume the "my sales" and "my orders" updates hourly? I purchaed the item he posted and it is no longer available or seen for sale, but neither of us see anything under the "my sales" or "my orders" to comfirm is was completed? Does it update hourly, daily or are we missing something in the process? Sorry to be a pain in the ***.
Also, I asked another admin of mine to post an item so we could do a dry walk through of the purchase process before going live. Sorry for being a pain but I have yet another question. A assume the "my sales" and "my orders" updates hourly? I purchaed the item he posted and it is no longer available or seen for sale, but neither of us see anything under the "my sales" or "my orders" to comfirm is was completed? Does it update hourly, daily or are we missing something in the process? Sorry to be a pain in the ***.
And, can quantities be added?
1.- The update is automatic, as long as PayPal, send back the confirmation. Have you got emails from PayPal?
2.- No, quantities are not supporting yet. But after a sale, you can reactivate the Ad, without the need to re-write it. Just by clicking "Publish".
1.- The update is automatic, as long as PayPal, send back the confirmation. Have you got emails from PayPal?
2.- No, quantities are not supporting yet. But after a sale, you can reactivate the Ad, without the need to re-write it. Just by clicking "Publish".
yes, emails have been received by both the buyer and seller, from paypal. I just checked "my orders" and "my sales" again and nothing is displayed?
By default (as I'm writting in my post) none usergroup has permission to do anything, and the default amount of photos tha a user can upload is "0". Have you setup it?
You're Right; by setting a Number Higher than 0 the Images are Uploaded!! :up:
In "My Classifieds" section the description that is appearing there is shorted according to the number of characters that you've setup in vbFClassifieds->Options. As the default is 100 characters, if you haven't change it, this is the reason that causes the problem.
You're Right; by Setting a Higher Number than 100, the Text and Images are Presented OK!! :up:
Most probably you're trying to buy ...your items. My dear I spent lot of time to make the mod smart. To show what really needs to show. Except if you think that showing the option "Buy it" to ad's owner it's a need.
I Don't Agree with This Behaviour in This Mod!! :down: I Think Is Important For Potential Buyers to be Able to Ask Information about the Item that They're Going to Buy!! I Think is also Important For Me as Seller to be able to Post Additional Information Answering those Questions from Potential Buyers!! I Think Your Should Change That in this Mod!!
Reviews are going to Sellers and not to items. This is the normal way that classifieds work. And to be able to rate/review a seller you must first buy something from him.
Ok, I Think That's Logic!! :up:
Not bug. Restriction of Lite version.
Ok!! :erm:
Same as your similar question about the "Buy it". What do you want the "Contact seller" in your own ads? Are you planing to contact yourselve?
The Same Message as Before!!
I Don't Agree with This Behaviour in This Mod!! :down: I Think Is Important For Potential Buyers to be Able to Ask Information about the Item that They're Going to Buy!! I Think is also Important For Me as Seller to be able to Post Additional Information Answering those Questions from Potential Buyers!! I Think Your Should Change That in this Mod!!
As you can see, none of what you reported, was a bug.
Ok!! But Your Should Consider Allowing Comunication With Potential Buyers!! I Would'nt Buy a Product Before Asking Some Questions First, ans Receiving Answers From the Seller, That's Logic!!
vbFClassifieds, is an advanced version of Mary's mod. Its based on her code, we just added code to follow vB's prototype for security. Also Mary participate by 20% to our company (vBulletin Freelancers).
I Like More Some of the Features on Mary's Classifieds on vbClubs, but if in this Mod you Add the Opportunity for Costumers to Ask Questions and for Sellers tobe Able to Answer then, I Think Would be Great!!
One More Thing: I think is Neccesary for a Costumer to be Able to Show Interest in Buying a Product Before Actually Buying It; when a Costumer Fills the Buy Form, is Redirected to Paypal in the Same Window, if the Costumer Don't Fill the Paypal Form and make the Payment, Not even the Interest in Buying the Product will be Shared to the Seller; I think that By Adding the Possibility to Comment the Product by Potential Buyers and the Sellers, would Fill that Requirement!!
I Think also that If Possible, the Paypal Buy Form should be Oppened in a New Window; perhaps add that Option in the Mod Options (Yes/No Open Paypal Form In New Window?)!!
One More Thing: Would be Great to Be Able to Confirm the Sell Manually (additional to the Automatic Paypal Confirmation for Premium Accounts), so that if a Sell is Made and Confirmed, I as Seller can Confirm the Sell by Clicking the Unconfirmed Sell and Confirming it, and after a Time of No Confirmation simply Delete it!! (See the Cybernetec Paypal Donations to see how this Idea Works)!!
I think the Intention to Buy Should be Reported, as well as Confirmed Manually by the Seller or Autatically by Paypal!!
I Don't Agree with This Behaviour in This Mod!! I Think Is Important For Potential Buyers to be Able to Ask Information about the Item that They're Going to Buy!! I Think is also Important For Me as Seller to be able to Post Additional Information Answering those Questions from Potential Buyers!! I Think Your Should Change That in this Mod!!
I think that you've misunderstood something. Olympic didn't wrote that there are no "Buy it" and "Contact seller" options. He wrote that you can't see them, as you're the owner of the Ad. Potential buyers (and everybody except you) can see these options, so they can contact (PM) you and of course they can buy your items.
For the other, it's Olympic's responsibility to reply.
I think that you've misunderstood something. Olympic didn't wrote that there are no "Buy it" and "Contact seller" options. He wrote that you can't see them, as you're the owner of the Ad. Potential buyers (and everybody except you) can see these options, so they can contact (PM) you and of course they can buy your items.
For the other, it's Olympic's responsibility to reply.
But I Think Must of the Questions and Answers should be Made In Public, Not Only Via PM, so that The Answers I Give to one Buyer can Serve to Other One and I Don't Get Many Same Questions!!
It's like in E-bay, You're able to Ask the Seller Questions, if You're Satisfied You Boy otherwise You Don't!! And Some Answers made to other Potential Buyers may Serve Me to Clarify About the Product!! This Along with the Reviews and Opinions of other Buyers can Help Me Make My Decision if Buying that Item from the Seller!!